chapter 22- Sudden.

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surprise! yes I'm updating but please I beg you can you Check out my new book sacrificing my boyfriend to the devil? you'll love it. :)

Nialls pov~

I felt my heart beat in my chest as I blanked out, feeling a sound slip through my mouth.

the boy has only known me for...five months....and he wanted to marry me....Me, the boy who got kicked out of his house. the boy who harmed himself, the boy who got in a car crash....

It wasnt like I didn't want to, but.....I know he did. I knew Liam loved me....actually loved me and...that thought felt so good to me.

I know that for once in my life. even as horrible as my story seemed, at the end it lead to with the perfect boy. Liam has been so...perfect to me in the such little time I knew him.

if it wasn't for him I would still be on the street, homeless....even dead.

He saved me.

I looked into his deep brown orbes, seeing the absolute terror of them for my answer. I smiled widely, cause a glimpse of light to burst in his eyes, causing him to smile to.

I found it so cute that he proposed to me with a ring was so cheesy....but I loved it.

"I'll marry you....on one condition..." I said a bit weakly, Liams smile bringing a burst of energy into me.

I watched as Liams teeth showed as he smiled, his cheeks turning pink as the corner of his eyes wrinkled. "and what condition is that...?" He asked, biting his lip softly to get rid of his blush.

"You let me eat the ring pop....I haven't ate in like...a week." I said with a soft, airy chuckle.

Liam smiled and said, leaning forward to kiss me softly on my lips "Of course.". This kiss felt like something else, as if warmth filled my body, as if all the pain I was in melted away because I knew that for as long as I live....Liam would always be there for me.

I lifted my hand weakly, and let Liam slide the candy ring on me. I watched as he turned my wrist over, my red scars exposed. My smile fadded, but it quickly came back as I watched Liam kiss my wrist.

He looked up at me and said "I promise you Ni, after you get out of this hospital.....nothing will ever hurt you again....I'll make sure of it."

~Two Days Later.~

I stood in the slightly chilled room that had its and bits of equipment here and there. I needed physical therapy, due to the fact my legs were almost crushed in the collision.

I sat on the chair in front of a cat walk like platform, with two poles on each side.

The doctor stood in front of me and said "Your right leg is a bit.....stiff, but if we keep practicing you can walk regu-"

I got fed up with her. I've been trying to walk across that stupid wooden platform by myself for a day and a half and no matter how hard I try k can't bend my right leg. "Fuck the practice! Don't you see that no matter how hard I try I can't....I can't do it?"

I watched as Liam looked at me with a worried expression, seeing my struggle must make him so sad.

Before I couldn't tell the doctor I wanted to quit, quit the therapy because it's simple stupid, the door opened.

I couldn't help but chuckle as the door swung open, and Louis, Harry, and Zayn spilled in "Partyyy in the therapy Rooom!!!" Louis cried.

I chuckled softly, as the doctor scoffed."Excuse me but you can't be in here..." She said, Zayn walking up to her.

He grabbed her by the shoulder and began to push her out of the door, the doctor confused and shocked wit h what was happening "Yeah yeah doctor this doctor that now if you don't mind were going to help Niall..."

I saw Liam smiled, lifting his phone and wiggeling it. He must have tested the boys for help.

"What why, your not qualified-" The doctor spoke as she was pushed out of the door. Louis locked the door behind her, and turned to me.

I smiled and said "Its nice of you to come bu-"

"Get up." Harry said as he crossed his arms, Zayn and Louis standing by his side.

I chuckled for he sounded like a drill sergeant. "Wha-"

"I said Get Up Now!" Harry order, causing me to stand up to my feet. I was surprised on how kick I got up, for it took me almost ten minutes to do so before.

Louis walked over to him and lifted my arm, putting it around his shoulder, supporting me. While the boys walked over to me, Liam sat there, and smiled.

Zayn walked over to me and said "Ok now move your leg....."

I looked at him and said "I....I can't..."

"Yes you fucking can!" I heard Louis scream, Zayn rolling his eyes and said "Look....I want you out of here as much as you pretend that moving your leg will give you.....buckets of ice cream!"

I rolled my own eyes and said "That's not going to happen......I can't just magically move my leg, and get ice cream...." Harry scoffed and said, "My dad got a raise.....if you move your leg I will actually buy you buckets of ice cream"

I couldn't help but smile, as the boys tried to help me.

It was funny, how not even a year ago the hated me...but now they are helping me recover....they were simple amazing.

Liam walked over to me, putting both of his soft hands on my cheek and said "You can move it.....I know your can....Your stronger then all of us...."

Harry nodded and said "Plus I kind of want ice cream too so move it!"

Liam smiled as Zayn began to chant, the other boys following "Move it! Move it!"

I closed my eyes, and let out a breath, taking in a deep one as I focused. The boys chant made me feel more...powerful....more strong.

I grunted a bit as k began to sweat, moving my leg in front of my right. I let out a small huff as I lifted the right leg, my body shaking as I moved it slowly across the floor.

As I tried to move my legs , I kept thinking "Move your foot. do it for Liam. Move your foot. Do it for The boys. Move your foot. Do it for ice cream."

Finally I realised I couldn't do it, and I let out a huff and opened my eyes.

"Guys I can't...." I began, as my eyes opened. I realised I was facing the door, the door I was just ten feet from before. I turned my head to see the boys standing in the distance.

"You walked!" Zayn screamed, the boys running up to me to give me a hug.

I smiled widely as I realised I did walk, o actually pushed through all of the pain and walked.

As the boys hugged me, I felt loved.

I realised not only did I have one soul mate, one boy who loves me regardless and will always be there.

I realised I had four.

OMFG was this bad k'm sorry I hate it nooo D:

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