Your First Kiss

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NOTE: If you haven't watched the Force Awakens, Kylo's preference has a tiny "spoiler" (it's not really even a spoiler). I'm just gonna assume you guys already watched TFA, so... c: Just a fair warning.


Obi Wan Kenobi: Obi Wan was, for once, not busy cleaning up after Anakin's messes in the war, and that meant you two could actually have some quiet time.

"Checkmate." Obi Wan devilishly smiled, watching as one of his characters on the game board stabbed one of yours. Yours faded away, and his took its spot.

"Oh, you are so gonna get your butt kicked." You picked one of your toughest characters to go after one of his toughest characters. You liked to play it risky when it came to playing dejarik with Obi Wan. 

You two watched eagerly as your holographic character swung and actually killed his strongest. 

"Woo!" You cheered, Obi Wan just placing his hand on his beard and smiling.

"You're so adorable when you win." Master Kenobi beamed, his blue eyes glimmering from the light of the chessboard. You stopped cheering, but a warming blush came to your face. Your heart fluttered like crazy butterflies as he stood up and began to approach you.

"Who said I won?" You sassed, trying to mimic the Jedi's usual sass, but your voice was like a peep as he sat on the bench beside you, turning his head your way. You hesitated to look into those beautiful eyes, and another blush made its way to your cheeks.

"I did, honey." Obi-Wan moved closer to you, his nose touching yours. You closed your eyes, feeling his lips hover above yours. You pressed your lips against his, making him relax into it. The sparks flew it seemed like, and your butterflies kept going crazy. 

His lips were soft, and his beard tickled your face. You liked the texture of his skin against yours, and made you feel like you were in complete ecstasy. 

"Well played, Bear. I should win more often." You giggled before kissing him again.


Luke Skywalker: "Hey, Skyguy, what's with the long face?" You asked, still cleaning your X-Wing Fighter's metal hull with a towel. It got dusty after a quick flight through Tatooine. 

"Just thinking about my father." Luke sat down on a crate next to your cleaning supplies, a brooding feeling radiating from him. "He was good, I knew he was... but he betrayed everyone he ever loved."

"You'll never do that, Luke." You stopped cleaning your spaceship and approached Luke, taking a seat next to him on the crate. "You're strong, you're good."

"I guess..." Luke sighed. "He was strong too... amazing, loved, adored. But he gave it all away for power, and to anger. He couldn't control his fear of loss..."

"Luke, you can't change what happened to your father. But you can control what happens to yourself. And that's all that matters. You're strong enough to channel your own fears, and make good out of yourself. You have a big, compassionate heart."

It was quiet for a little bit, but Luke straightened his back and looked over at you with his baby blue eyes. "Thanks, (y/n). It means a lot to me that you're here." 

Luke shyly began to lean towards you, and before you knew it, you were leaning into a sweet and well needed kiss from Luke Skywalker. You knew your feelings for him were strong, but you never knew his side of the feeling until now. 

"I'll always be here for when you need me, Skyguy."


Anakin Skywalker: "Truth or dare?" You asked Anakin, pacing along beside him as you entered the Jedi Temple from a mission on the far planet of Dathomir.

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