What He Does When He Gets Angry

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Obi Wan Kenobi: Obi Wan angry? No... He just gets disappointed. You can easily remedy his disappointment by bringing him a cup of hot coffee or hugging him.


Luke Skywalker: Luke starts to get reallyyyy whiny. Whatever he says, it's a complaint or a judgmental comment. Even though it's "not the Jedi way" to be judgmental and whatnot, the young Skywalker can't help it, or chooses not to.


Anakin Skywalker: Anakin escapes to a war ship and gets into battle. Surely blasting a few clankers would dial his temper down.


Han Solo: Han gets really arrogant and cocky. Everything he says is sarcastic so instead of getting frustrated with him, you just leave him to the Wookiee.


Kylo Ren: Throws a massive temper tantrum. Any stormtroopers nearby would be force choked and Kylo's lightsaber would be flying everywhere. You avoid him at all costs when he's pissed.


Boba Fett: Boba disappears for hours, maybe even a day or two. He hates being angry around you with a possibility of taking all that anger out on you.


Captain Rex: Rex always tries to find a mission to go on, or stays busy and away from you. He doesn't like to be seen angry or frustrated, especially by someone he adores. Keeping busy will eventually calm him down.

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