How He Likes Your Hair

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Obi Wan Kenobi: Obi Wan loves your hair in a neat braid that runs along your back. He likes when you are fighting and it swings around unimpeded.


Luke Skywalker: Luke likes when Leia does your hair and puts in in one of her famous bun hairstyles, it makes you look classified and even more beautiful (if that was possible to him). 


Anakin Skywalker: Anakin loves when you wear your hair straight and long. Especially when it covers your face, so he has an excuse to brush it away.


Han Solo: Han enjoys when you wear your hair wild and free, no ponytail or anything. He likes running his fingers through it or trying to braid it, even though he sucks at it.


Kylo Ren: Kylo likes when you have your hair curled. He thinks it brings out your eyes and your wavy personality -- you could be as innocent as a puppy, or as vicious as a grizzly bear. He loves it.


Boba Fett: A simple ponytail all the way for Boba, he loves how it just freely swings in the desert wind on Tatooine. It's simple -- he hates when things have to be complicated.


Captain Rex: Rex loves when your hair is in a neat bun, since he thinks your classy and you look cute when working. You're a Jedi Knight, and he thinks it fits you.

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