27. Update No. 1 | Dean's Birthday

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Hey everyone!

So I know that this isn't exactly an update, and there will be one after this.

Today is Dean Winchester's 37th birthday and I'm really thankful.

Supernatural has made such a difference in my life, physically and emotionally. I don't know who else's life has been effected by Jensen, Jared, or Misha, but I know I'm not the only one.

This is very sappy and emotional but today is the day to do that (and September 13, and May 2) but I just want to say right now how grateful I am for the reads and comments I've gotten on this story. I know it's really just me here, but it all makes the difference.

I pour myself into my chapters, and every one takes a little piece of me. I know that a lot of the readers here don't comment, vote, or share, or make themselves known, but I wish you all would.

I've made good friends from Supernatural before, and even though we aren't close anymore, they impacted me.

So today I am thankful for the entire Supernatural cast and always will be.

That's it, I'm done being sappy. There will be a Dean x Reader chapter up before Midnight!

Remember to Always Keep Fighting,


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