77. Don't leave || Poem

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Hey guys, I apologize that this isn't an update, but I promise one is coming soon.

I've recently been thinking about a lot of things, specifically suicidal-depression-like things.

if those things are especially triggering to you, I wouldn't read this chapter, but I suggest you do.

Below, is a poem, and I apologize ahead of time because I absolutely suck at poems, but it's to you if you're going through a tough time, and are having bad thoughts.

and this is exclusively to supernatual characters just because I'm absolute trash at anything else, but if it's suggested, and I have some people willing to help me out, we could definitely include other characters.

this is a supernatural poem, called "don't leave"


if you were to leave now,

sam and dean would have no one to crack jokes with in the impala,

no one to drink overzealous amounts of beer with,

no one to fight for them,

no one to give them advice,

and actually buy them presents they want for their birthdays.

sam would have no one to braid his luscious locks,

dean would have no one tell him when to stop,

sam would have no one to make sure he heals correctly,

dean would have no one to wrestle with in the living room.

sam would be heartbroken,

and dean would blame himself.

they love you,

so please... don't leave..


I know, that wasn't a poem, and it was so so so so so bad, but if you're contemplating suicide or any other sorts of harm,

please contact the national (us) suicide lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

if you don't live in the US, please google or find the lifeline that works for you.

please remember that we all want you here, and that we love you more than anything,

always keep fighting because you are not alone,


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