Chapter 4

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Zoe's look^^^^

At midnight Zanna was waken by Charlie.

"Come on Zanna we have to leave right now. The others are waiting on us." Charlie said quietly.

"What are you talking about Charlie?" Zanna asked sleepily.

" Remember?"

"Remember what?"

"How your Prince Charming put his arms around you and you were told you were a trespasser?" Charlie said with a smirk.

Zanna was fully awake now and bolt up. "Charlie Stagger! When I get my hands on you I'm gonna make you regret saying that!" He backed away and darted from the room.

"First you gotta get me!" he yelled.It's a good thing that his parents are heavy sleepers, thought Zanna as she darted after Charlie.

As she ran out of the house she felt someone grab her wrist. She was pulled against his chest. She could feel his breath on her neck. She felt the urge to kiss Jackson. Out of nowhere, Charlie came.

"Oh, look what I found. My sis with her Prince Charming. how cute." Charlie said all sappy.

"Charlie!" Gasped Zanna.

"Hey"Jackson said while looking down at Zanna "It's okay,I like that nickname."

"Come on guys the others are waiting. I want to see Jason's face after leaving him alone with Marissa. You know she's madly in love with him." Charlie said as he walked away.

As they neared the others, they heard someone laughing. They stepped into the clearing to see someone rolling on the ground with laughter. Marissa was clinging onto Jason so hard he looked like he was going to die at that moment. As Zanna stepped forward, she could see the person's red hair.

"Zoe? Is that you?" Zanna asked nervously. The person stopped rolling on the ground and sat up,still giggling,Her red hair wild and loose.

"No, It's Dracula. Of course it's me ,Zanna." Zoe replied with sarcasm. While the others looked back and forth from Zanna to Zoe, Jason was just staring at Zoe.

"Um who is this guy and why is he staring at me?"asked Zoe,waving.

"That is Jason, Zoe, and I think he might like you." Zanna replied with a smile.

"What!" replied Zoe,laughing again.

"Well ,Zanna, I never thought I would be saying this but you finally take after me for once." Charlie said with a grin.

"let's get going now." Said Marissa saucily. It was pretty clear that she did not like Zoe at all.

As they walked threw the town, Jason asked Zoe " So are you single right now?"

" I'll let you find that out for yourself." she said with a mischievous wink, her eyes sparkling.

Up ahead, Zoe saw Jackson take Zanna's hand. She looked over at the other girls and saw one of them giving Zanna the death glare. Note to self Thought Zoe Team up with that kid who teases Zanna. His name's Charlie right?

"Hey Jason?" Zoe asked ,turning to the cute guy next to her.

"Ya Zoe?"

"What's that kids name that teased Zanna?"

"Charlie Stagger. Why?"

"Just wanted to know."

"ok well now you do. So ya."

Up ahead Zanna was trying to make sense of the world. First, Does Jason even like Zoe? Does Zoe like him back? Why is Jackson holding my hand? Why won't Lila stop giving me the death glare? I mean I don't need a stalker right now! The guards are going to be crawling around everywhere when they find out i'm not at home.

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