Chapter 7

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2 hours later

"Can we rest yet?"Charlie whines.

"NO!"Yells Zanna "We could get ambushed and killed."

"I second that."Zoe says all energetic like.

"You could walk for day,Not me I want to sleep."Jason says falling and face plants into the mud.

"Please Zanna please please please,I'll kiss you again.I know you like how kissed you.I'm right side up this time."He knelt down on one knee with puppy dog eyes holding her hand.

"Okay but only for a little bit." Zanna said, her heart melting. Jackson stood up. Still holding Zanna's hand, he led her to a dry spot and sat down. He motioned for Zanna to sit next to him. She sits and Jackson leans over and kisses her. They break apart and Zanna rest her head on Jackson's shoulder. She looks over at Zoe. She helped Jason clean the mud off his face. Zoe now curled up in Jason's chest and his arms around her. It's obvious that Jason fell asleep. Zanna then looks over at Charlie. He's laying on his side and his eyes are closed. Zanna's eyes started to get heavy. She curled up against Jackson and closed her eyes. She feels Jackson lay her down on the ground. She could feel him press his chest into her back. She turned around so the only thing between their bodies were her arms. Jackson put his arms around her.

The camp was silent with sleep.A branch broke and a group of vampire hunters surrounded the group of five. One of them silently snuck up on Charlie. They grabbed Charlie's wrist and yanked him up. He woke up with a yelp. Everyone in the group bolted up. Zoe grabbed for her backpack. One of the other vampire hunters made a move to grab it. Zoe was holding onto one strap while the vampire hunter held the other strap.

"Mine, mine mine mine mine mine MINE!!!!!DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH OR I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!!!!" Zoe said in a little kid voice and started laughing insanely. Zanna started to giggle. The Vampire hunter dropped the backpack and backed away slowly with his hands up.

"Um.... guys? A little help please?" Charlie asked. Everyone looked at him.

"Oh. Right. Sorry." Zanna said still giggling.

Zoe pulled out two 4 inch dagger and held them out towards Zanna. She grabbed 2 butcher knives and held them out towards the boys. Zoe took out her bow and quiver full of arrows and hands Charlie a pocket knife.

"Let's do this."Her voice full of rage and intelligence and insanity. And with that, the group lunged at the vampire hunters.

"CHARGE!" says the man on the horse.

The men charged forward. Zanna leaped into the air and landed on her target with grace.Jason stabbed and swings like crazy. Zoe jumps up in a tree and starts assassinating the archers. Jackson has his back to Jason's and stabs for the attacker's hearts. While this was happening, the King made his sons, Mason and Mavik, stay hidden. They caught sight of Zanna, in the battlefield like a warrior, and Zoe,up in the trees like an assassin. They were stuck with awe at the fact that two girls were in the fight.

"ZANNA , BEHIND YOU!"Zoe yells as she knocks an arrow and lets it fly. Zanna moves to the left as the arrow flies past her.

"THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP ZOE!" Zanna yells at Zoe as she stabbed someone in the stomach.

Zoe flips from the trees,lands on someone and stabs them.

"That's why you don't walk under trees."She said matter-of-factly. Under the cover of the trees, Mason and Mavik were talking.

"I call the girl with the red hair. She's cuter than the one with white hair." Mason said.

"Ya right! The chick with white hair is obviously cuter the the one with red hair. That one looks like a demon." Mavik said while watching Zanna. Soon, all of the vampires were dead. Without thinking, Mason and Mavik stepped out of the woods.

"OH JESUS."Zoe yells "AH! MY EYES!" Zoe yells as she takes off her beanie and covers her eyes.

"Really! Get some shirts on!" Zanna said in mock horror.

"Why should we? Being Shirtless makes it easier to move around." Mavik said looking at Zanna.

"So she," Zanna said pointing at Zoe, "Will stop yelling. It's very annoying, but still funny."

"Hey!"Zoe said in mock hurt glaring through the beanie "Hold up does anyone have ribbon?"Thick black anyone?"

"Look in your backpack. You probably have some."Zanna said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah,probably.Z where is it? Can you lead me to it?"Zoe said still with the beanie

"Fine." Zanna said in a whiny tone. She grabbed Zoe's hand a guided her towards her pack of mystical magic.

"YAY!"Zoe says in a childish voice grabbing her pack and opens it.

"How hard can it be to find some ribbon?" Zanna asked impatiently.

"Not that hard actually.You were right I do have ribbon."Zoe quickly ties it around her eyes.

"Wow Zoe. Real mature of you." Zanna said grinning.

"I know right! Teenager by looks child by heart devil by the rest!"Zoe smiles happily "I bet I look like Illidan Stormrage right now!"

"Ya. Whatever."

"Wait. who's Illidan Stormrage?"Mason asks

"YOU DON-"Zanna clamps a hand over Zoe's mouth.

"Now look what you did!" Zanna glared at Mavik and Mason.

"MMMMMMMMMM"Zoe gives up trying to talk and looks like the grumpy cat instead.

"Nice to meet you but .....RUN" Jackson yells.

Jason grabs Zoe's backpack and runs.Zoe rips off the ribbon and she grabs her sister and Charlie's hand and runs as well.

Mavik yells "Now" And suddenly Charlie drops like dead weight but the group keeps running.Then Jason and Jackson.The girls keep running but after a few yards they both collapsed and all was dark.

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