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(AU where Dan is blind)

"Be careful, love," Phil said to Dan as he led him down the stairs. Dan clung onto Phil's hand for dear life. He'd walked down these stairs numerous times, but they never seemed to get easier.

The Accident happened at 13. After Dan's dad died, his mum had moved in with a friend. The friend had eventually became something more, and before long, Dan had a stepfather. This all went horribly wrong, as his stepfather eventually developed a drinking problem, and became very violent. He particularly liked beating Dan, as he was a "smartass" at that age. One night, Dan's stepfather came home and barged into Dan's room. He took a book off of the shelf and threw it at Dan, hitting him in the face, while yelling something about Dan being the cause of his drinking. Dan had to get his eyes surgically "fixed", but the procedure failed, making him blind. Dan had told all of this to Phil once, and never spoke of it again.

Now, they were heading to a special clinic, being promised over the phone that there was a way to reverse Dan's blindness.

Climbing into the cab, Phil expressed some concern. "Dan, what if they can't..?"

Dan toon a while to respond. "I have doubts, too. But if I'm blind forever, so be it. At least I have you."

Phil smiled, and brushed his hand along Dan's cheek, signaling that he was going to kiss him. He brought their lips together, making Dan's cheeks redden. He smiled into the kiss, making Phil smile as well.

Once they pulled away, Phil now had more hope than before. "Let's not be negative. Just think: in a few hours you'll be able to see the outside world again, Dan!"

Dan laughed. "It's not the world I want to see." His head turned in Phil's direction. So many years of friendship, of holding hands and kissing, yet he had never even been able to look into Phil's eyes. Dan asked the question he'd been asking nonstop for years. "Phil, what do you look like?" A

"I've already told you this, Dan," Phil said, not unkindly.

"Tell me again," Dan said.

"I have a weird looking face, and dull blue eyes, and messy black hair," Phil repeated.

"I don't think I believe you," Dan said, and Phil smiled to himself.

The doctors at the clinic confirmed that they could reverse Dan's blindness with a simple procedure. As long as nothing went wrong, he would be able to see in an hour or so.

Shortly before Dan went into the small "procedural room", Phil kissed each of his eyelids. "Whether or not, this works," he promised "Nothing will ever change what we have, okay?"

"Okay." Dan promised. He leaned forward, trying to find Phil's lips, and found his nose instead. He kissed the tip of it, and giggled.

"Mr. Howell, it's time for you to go back," a nurse said, entering with a clipboard.

"I love you, Phil," Dan said.

"I love you too."

The longest hour of Phil's life passed very slowly. He paced around the small waiting room, thumbed through magazines that were sitting on a coffee table, and drank around three cups of coffee. As soon as the nurse entered the room, Phil jumped up, nearly tackling her. "Is he alright?"

"He's doing fine. He's just about to take the bandages off, and I figured you would be the first thing he would want to see." the nurse said sweetly.

Phil smiled in gratitude, and stepped past her to enter the procedure room. Dan was sitting up, on a small hospital bed, two white bandages covering his eyes.

"Dan! I'm here!" Phil said.

Dan smiled nervously. "I'm ready to take them off, Phil. Are you?"

"Yes, Dan, definitely." Phil said.

Dan slowly removed the bandages with the doctor's approval. He first winced at the light, blinked a few times, and then looked straight into Phil's eyes.

"I knew you'd be beautiful," Dan said, and burst into tears.

Phil ran up and hugged Dan, lifting him off of the bed and spinning around. "I love you so much," he said.

Dan could not help the tears that were flowing from his now-fixed eyes. "You're so beautiful," Dan said to Phil again. "Your eyes, oh my god. They're so blue and green and yellow, and they're so wonderful. And your hair is just like mine, but in a different direction." he laughed gleefully. "You're tall and your smile is so cute and you're so perfect and I love you so much."

Phil was speechless. He was crying as well, the tears making his eyes a new shade of blue, a brighter shade.

Instead of kissing Dan, he let Dan kiss him. He didn't have to wait long; Dan laced his fingers around Phil's neck and kissed him, perfectly clashing their lips together. "I love you," he said to Phil, for the millionth time.

Back at their apartment, Dan and Phil sat on Dan's bed, lovingly celebrating Dan's vision.

"You know," Dan said. "I could always see you, even when I was blind."

Phil was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"What was your first word again?" Dan asked.

"Light," Phil answered simply.

"Exactly. You know how whenever your eyes are closed and it's sunny, you can see the sunshine through your eyelids? And it's like a pleasant yellow glow? That's what you were. Even though I couldn't see anything, it's like you radiated light. That's what you are. You're my Light, and I love you. And even though I can see anything now, there's only one thing I want to. I want to look into your beautiful stained glass eyes every morning and tell you how much I love you."

Phil kissed Dan, slowly bringing their lips together. It was a beautiful kiss. "I love you too, Dan. I love you so much."

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