Chapter 5

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Oliver's week was a long one, being a Senior Sergeant can be so boring and busy at the same time. The inspector really has something against him. His team was stuck on cold cases which were important too but the other team were sent out on new cases and they weren't. He finally had a cold case to work on that had a lead. His team had to work with BJ who was actually happy that Oliver was involved. BJ has been after this drug dealer that Oliver needs to bring in for the cold case. So they had a drug raid on the house that this guy was using as a drug house. Oliver and his team was part of the raid but the inspector sent the other team in too.

Oliver told all the police officers that were involved that they needed them alive so try and use their tasers. They found out that they were unarmed. "So no guns unless they have a weapon" Oliver announced to them all. Oliver, his team and the other homicide team went through the back while BJ and his drug squad went through the front. The back door was kicked in by Oliver and they rushed in with their guns drawn. "Police" he yelled while grabbing a suspect and Amy grabbed him to slap the cuffs on him. Oliver kept going while they all split up.  He heard a gun shot but then he had to shoot someone because the guy had a gun pointed at him. The guy dropped the gun after Oliver shot him in the arm.

"Oliver it's clear" Oliver heard BJ yell through the house.

"Is anyone hurt?" Oliver yelled back.

"Just one and you won't like it. I've called for an ambulance" BJ walked in while Oliver was cuffing the guy he shot who was now wringing over his gunshot.

"This guy needs a ambulance too" he pushed the guy out of the house.

"This is against the law, you pig" the guy yelled at him.

"Selling and making drugs is against the law too" Oliver barked back. "So who else was shot?"

"David shot the suspect that you need to talk too" BJ answered him with a frown.

Oliver headed to the hospital after the ambulance took the suspects away with two uniform officers to guard them. The guy that Oliver shot was doing great so he was transported back to the station. The other one wasn't doing as good. Andre tried to do all he could but the bullet hit the muscle around the heart so it was very dangerous. So the guy was in a coma.

Oliver found out what happened from other police offices that were with David. His partners said that they weren't near David and only heard two shots altogether. BJ and the others that were near him said they didn't see a gun but they were busy.

After they were done at the hospital, Oliver and his team went to investigate the shooting. They asked the forensic team that were there about any bullet holes that would have been in the upstairs master bedroom walls. They said there wasn't any bullet holes.

"So no bullet holes at all?" Oliver asked again before leaving.

"None at all" the forensic guy said.

"Ok, thanks" he headed outside to find the other offices and BJ to talk to them again. "BJ, was there a gun with Justin" Justin is the man that was shot by David.

"No none" BJ answered with a shake of his head.

"Great, then I'll have to go and tell Inspector Henry about this" Oliver announced before he turned.

"I'm sorry for you then" BJ said then laughed along with Andrew and Amy.

That afternoon after he spoke to the inspector about what happened and he said to leave it alone, he went straight to Graham's office. "Hey Graham" he said nervously at the door.

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