Chapter 13

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They were waiting for about half an hour when he was rushed into the hospital. Before he arrived they sat in the waiting room, Andre came in who was called in for Scott and spoke to them. Andre said they think they've got a heart but they have to do tests to see. Scott was taken straight to the ICU.

After he was settled they were let in to see him. Taina sat beside him and grabbed his hand, he felt so cold. He didn't wake and Taina got worried. Oliver sat beside her with his arm over the back of her chair and the other was resting on the bed with his hand on top of hers and Scott's.

Scott is a little brother to Oliver and he would do anything for him. He would do anything for all Taina's family. They sat in silence until Tomas and Nicole rushed in with Jack and Sebastian. Nicole went straight to Scott's other side and held his hand.

"Jack" was whispered from Scott's lips. Jack came over and grabbed his hand from Taina who got up for Jack to take it.

"Hey Scott I'm here" Jack whispered back while squeezing his hand. Jack felt him squeeze back and Scott smiled.

"My baby boy" Nicole said with tears running down her cheeks. Tomas stood behind her and placed one hand on her shoulder and the other he reached over to brush Scotts cheek.

"Hey my big boy, hang in there" Tomas said with a sad smile and tried to hold back his tears.

Andre walked in then to check him over. "He's doing ok. Just need to inject him with the organ rejuvenator now"

Taina, Oliver, Sebastian and Tomas left the room while Nicole and Jack stayed. Andre performed the procedure and then left. Outside Tomas pulled Andre away to talk, they headed downstairs and then outside. "Can you check if I'm a match with him please?" Tomas asked Andre.

"Tomas you're not dying I can't take your heart" Andre answered. Oliver followed from a distance and started eavesdropping.

"Check if I'm a match. I rather my son live than me. I can make my wife happy if I'm a match"

"Tomas I think I've got a heart already and it's against the law to harvest organs from living people"

"I don't care, my wife and I are having marital problems and she thinks I cheated on her and she thinks I don't care about my family but I do. I rather give him my heart to show her how much I love her and our family" he said then burst out crying.

Andre placed his arm around Tomas's shoulders for support, before saying "Tomas she does love you and she knows you care. Just give her some time. You need to be there for her and the kids"

"She won't take me back. I've never cheated on her but she thinks I did all because I went out with some workmates for a drink and I dropped one of them home who was female" Tomas told him.

"Did you tell her that you were giving her a lift home?"

"Yeah I did but I smelt like a women's perfume that wasn't hers and I had red lipstick on my shirt collar" he said while he sat on a nearby bench.

"Tomas what happened?"

"The girl tried to kiss me but I pushed her away. We were in my car but Nicole thinks I cheated on her from the way I looked when I got home"

"All dishevelled"


"Tomas I'm not going to check you for a match but I'll do anything in my power to save your boy"

"Ok" Tomas said defeated "you promise"

"I promise"

Oliver headed back to the hospital entry and saw Sebastian out front smoking. "Hey, you ok"

 Love Can Be Right In Front Of YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora