Chapter 6

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Taina sat down to eat after she rubbed her face. Breakfast was yummy, Oliver cooked bacon, eggs, Turkish bread that was barbecued, cooked tomato and mushrooms. "How's your head, baby doll?" he asked her with a hint of laughter in his tone. She gave him a glare but didn't say anything to him "is it like that then"

"Yep" she moodily said popping the 'p'.

"Moody bitch" he said with a chuckle.

"Yep" again popping the 'p'.

"Your father rang just before and said you need a car"

She groaned then slammed her head against the table before looking up and giving Oliver a glare "I told him I'm fine without a car"

"Well he wants you to be safe" Oliver said just ignoring her anger "he knows you will be working nights so it's too dangerous to walk at night"

"So" she shrugged not caring.

"Don't worry about it you're in a mood this morning" finally he noticed she wasn't in the mood and well it's a bad time of the month for her too.

"Can you take me home soon, please" she asked him with a forced smile.

"Sure, after we eat"


The rest of breakfast was quiet and soon Taina was at home with a hot pack on her stomach and pain killers. She laid on her bed just watching movies. She must've dozed off during the movie because she was being gently shaken by someone. She finally knew who it was from just the fact that they're the only one that has keys for her place and she could smell his cologne.

"Hey, baby doll" she slowly opened her eyes by the sound of his sexy voice, ok where did that come from she thought to herself and then she shook her head. She sat up, which wasn't a good idea, she grabbed her stomach in pain. "Hey you ok?" he softly asked her.

"Yeah just got pains" she answered with a slight blush.

"Oh," he stood up and she saw a tinge of pink on his cheeks and neck "that"

"Yeah that" she said giving him a smirk.

"Um, I bought some food" he said awkwardly and looking away.

"Thanks, I haven't eaten since breakfast" he snapped his eyes back to her which she could see anger in them.

"You haven't eaten since breakfast" he yelled at her. She nodded slowly a little scared at his rising voice. He breathed out before saying "sorry baby doll I didn't mean to scare you"

"It's alright" she bit her bottom lip in nervousness.

"Come on let's eat" he held out his hand and she grabbed it. They headed to the living room and he spoke up again "go sit down I'll bring it to you"

"I'm fine I can grab my own" she said while starting to walk to the kitchen. He gabbed her arm gently to stop her.

"No, go and sit down" he turned her around and slapped her ass gently, that sent a thrill through her body. "Now go" he pointed to the couch. So she just gave in and sat. He came back with noodle box. They placed a movie on while eating.

After eating Oliver cleaned up. "What time does your nightshift start?" He asked her after he finished cleaning up.

"Monday night will be 7 and the rest will be 8, why?"

"I'll drop you off to work" he held his hand up before she could speak, so she snapped her mouth shut, he then continued "what time do you finish?"

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