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Three weeks before Taina and Oliver's wedding. Taina was getting so nervous. She was having trouble sleeping. Oliver's being doing overtime by escorting wide load to other towns. She asked him why and all he would say was that they have been short on people. Taina thought that was a load of crap.

Oliver was getting nervous and frustrated. He's been working hard at work doing overtime to pay for their honeymoon which Taina doesn't know where he was taking her. Taina's been cranky at him because he's been working a lot. Tomas offered to pay for the honeymoon but Oliver wanted to do it. On top of that, they have been talking about starting a family straight after they get married hopefully Taina falls on their honeymoon. He wasn't the one that suggested it, Taina did and he was happy about it.

Sophie has just found out she was pregnant but hasn't told anyone except her parents, Aaron's and their close friends. Josie and Luke have been trying again too. Jordan and Sam announced they were expecting too. Robbie's twins were doing great, as well as Eric and Pauline's. Jessie has met someone and he was really nice.

Taina's hens party was so great. She was so drunk that Oliver had to pick her up. His bucks party was amazing. Luke set up a fishing trip that went for three days. They fished, drank piss, then fished and then drank piss again. That was his party. All his mates were there including Graham, Tomas, Andre's dad, Aaron's dad and Brian. They had a great time.

The wedding day Taina felt sick. She threw up about four times just that morning. Her mum said it was nerves but she thinks it's something else. The wedding was beautiful. They done the photos at a beautiful park. After the flowers was thrown and garter it was off to their honeymoon suite. They made love all night and in the morning they went to their place and had brunch with their friends and family. After lunch they flew to Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora in Motu Tofari, Bora Bora Lagoon.

They were shown their suite which was over looking the ocean. "This is so gorgeous" Taina said looking out over the ocean.

Oliver came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Not as beautiful as you" he whispered in her ear huskily.

She giggled and turned in his arms "are you trying to seduce me Mr Williams"

"What do you think Mrs Williams?" He asked huskily then gave her a tenderising kiss that made her moan out loud.

"Mhm, that sounds nice being called Mrs Williams" she moaned out after pulled apart.

"What about," he said then gave her another tenderising kiss then pulled away to say huskily "I love you my beautiful, sexy wife"

She bit her bottom lip before she smiled and gave him a kiss "that sounds nicer too my handsome husband"

He chuckled and kissed her hard before lifting bridal style and walked into the suite. He placed her gently on the bed after he shut the door and kicked his shoes off. The first day was spent in bed. The next day they hung out on the beach. They swam and just laid around relaxing together. The day after that was exploring and shopping. Their nights were spent eating in bed and making love. The fourth night they were there they went out for dinner. The restaurant was amazing. Oliver has noticed Taina wasn't drinking any alcohol that he offered.

"Honey, are you ok?" He asked her at dinner.

"I'm fine, well sort of" she answered nervously.

"Baby doll just tell me"

"Ok, I'm pregnant"

"What?" He was shocked at her answer. Taina was worried now and started to tear up. "Already"

"Yes," she said then bit her bottom lip to stop the crying "are you ok with that?"

"Oh god baby yes I am. I'm just surprised that it happened so quick"

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