Chapter 7

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It was Monday again and another day at work. Taina had five days this week and then seven next week. That week will be a long one, she thought. When she arrived at work she was called into the lunchroom. So she headed there where the others were already there waiting. She sat next to Alex who was reading a magazine.

"What's all this about?" she asked Alex quietly.

"Don't know" he whispered back while placing the magazine down.

"I hope it's not something bad" she whispered back.

"Yeah hope not"

They waited until Dr Campbell cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Now this morning I want to announce a new Obstetrician that has just arrived today" Taina looked to a lady that was very pretty. She had blue almond shaped eyes surrounded by long black eyelashes. Her hair was long and wavy that was a dark brown with blonde highlights. She had a curvy hourglass figure and is taller than Taina. "I like to introduce Jordan Neilson" did he just say Jordan Neilson, that's Sam's last name. Sam was behind Jordan looking straight at Taina with a guilty look.

"Holy crap" Alex said looking at Taina who looked shock, like he was.

"I know, he's married how can that be" Taina said grabbing his arm tightly.

"Are you sure?" He asked her with a look.

"Come on it's the only reason why he's giving me a guilty look" she said looking back at him then to Sam who was still looking at her with a guilty look.

"Everyone the second thing is the amount of painkillers going missing from the medicine store rooms. The drugs are not for your use its for the patients. If it keeps up I will place a security card entrance lock on the doors to know who is going in and out" he said looking around the room to make sure everyone was listening "so no more taking for your own medicine cabinets at home, now get back to work"

Everyone left and Taina turned to see Dr Jordan Neilson giving her a glare. Oh shit she knows that she's been sleeping with Sam. Alex grabbed her arm and pulled her to a empty room. "Hey was she giving you a glare?" He asked her.

Taina nodded then "you saw that too" she said with a quiver in her voice.

"Come on it was so easy to see" Alex said letting her arm go and standing up straight.

"Yeah I know"

"Now let's get back to work, if she says or does anything to you about Sam tell me or Andre got that" he said looking straight into her eyes.

She nodded her head with a small "ok"

They headed out and she went straight to the emergency ward. Jordan was there and she gave her the glare again. The day went like this, help out with patients get a glare from Jordan, then Sam ignoring her, and then other nurses talking about her behind her back. Taina knew it was about her because as soon as she was a ear shot away they would shut up. This is getting ridiculous she thought, it wasn't her fault that she slept with a married man, she didn't have a clue that he was married, it's his fault not hers. By the end of the day Taina was buggered. Her feet were throbbing from all the walking and then her head was pounding so hard that she felt sick. It must be a migraine coming on. She got home from a long walk, Alex offered her a ride but she would've been at the hospital a little longer with all the whispering and that Jordan chick which she didn't want to run into.

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