The Gathering

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I had been sitting for twenty minutes while they talked about what to do with me. I was told not to say anything but I couldn't take it any longer. I think I had at least half of the names down pat and I'm pretty sure I know who the leader is and where the others are on the authority ladder.

Alby, I think. I didn't pay much attention to him and I don't like him that much. I think he is the leader. Newt's number two, deputy, second in command, vice captain. He has brown blonde hair and was way taller than me but I didn't know how tall I was. This boy called Gally talked a lot. Saying that Newt deserved it and that I shouldn't be thrown in the slammer. He was really muscular but this one guy was so strong. He made a lot of jokes about newt having no balls and stuff but he seemed nice enough. There were a few others like Zart, Jeff and Frypan? But I don't know that much about them.

They're all boys. I was the only girl in the room. It was so blurred when I was outside and I didn't know if there're more people, maybe girls, out there.

About half of the boys had decided that I should be sent to the "Slammer" for punching "Newt".

"In the balls" I said. They looked over at me.

"Sorry?" The leader asked me surprised by my voice.

"I punched him in the balls." A few boys sniggered. He and Newt looked at me annoyed. "Look, Alby, isn't it?" He nodded hesitantly. "Ok so maybe you should stop talking about "the girl" and ask me a few questions before throwing me into the slammer which I assume is a jail." The other boys softly gasped and muttered some things. Alby just glared at me a bit.

"Ok then, do you remember anything?"

"No." He laughed and looked over the boys.

"That's exactly why we don't ask greenies questions."

"I mean my opinion. What I think. My side of the argument."

"Hey, I thought I told you not to say anything. Wh-." I cut him off.

"I think that I am totally harmless to you. I am alone and I cannot take all of you. At once."

"Yeah, but you punched me in the balls." Newt said wincing a little. He hadn't talked much after I had made contact. The others sniggered.

"Oh come on," I said trying to slur out all the o's in the phrase. "You're a big boy. You can take it. Am I really that strong?" He nodded holding his crotch. "Fine, fine, I hit you pretty hard but I didn't want any help from strangers."

"I'm sold. She's really quite small. She probably can't reach high enough to hurt me badly." Despite the slight insult I was happy that Gally tried to help me. The others slowly agreed with him.

"Ok we'll let you off. But if you try anything, slammer, ok? I don't agree but we have to keep things as civilised as we can when someone is going around punching people in the balls." I nodded. "Gally, since you like her so much, you can give her the tour."

Everyone shuffled out and I finally saw that there were no girls. I was the only girl.

"Wait!" I turned around to see Newt chasing after me and Gally. "What's your name?"

I thought about it because I hadn't before. I said,


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