Maybe This Christmas

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Steve woke up, another year with Tony in his bed on Christmas alone again. The Avengers were thinking of throwing a Christmas party this year but Cap didn't really want to go unless Tony was there. But Tony couldn't be there, because he is gone. No matter what he does or says Tony is gone and he isn't coming back.
Maybe this year I won't be sad on Christmas? Maybe I'll have a happy holiday?
Clint knocked on Steves door and Steve opened it.
"Hey we all wanted to know if you were coming tonight?" The archer asked Cap.
"Probably, we are having it in the building we are living in so I can't avoid not coming" Steve shrugged.
"Great!" Clint said excited and then he left running down the hall.
Steve was wondering what all that was about but he didn't care to be honest. Steve proceeded to take a shower and get ready for the holiday. He looked through his closet there was a nice Christmas outfit or a white shirt with a black jacket and some jeans. Of course he went for the normal plain outfit. Steve will always remember Christmas as the day his love was taken from him, so his blank face and no Christmas cheer seemed like the way to go. Hours passed of doing nothing but watching different TV shows on Netflix, Steve actually enjoyed The Arrow. The Christmas party was beginning soon so he decided to go down stairs and see who was all down there. It wasn't a big party it was just everyone from the team and shield. Partying wasn't Steves thing it was more Tony's, Tony would probably enjoy this party right now.
"Someone catch him he's falling down to fast!" Said Nat. Hulk climbed up a building and caught Tony just awhile before he hit the ground. He layed Tony down and ripped his mask off.
Steve ran over to Tony "Tony wake up!" Steve cried. Wake up...
*End of flashback*
Steve sat at Tony's old bar where there were a lot of drinks held. He grabbed one of the wine bottles and poured him some into a glass cup.
"Do you want dinner?" Sam Wilson aka Falcon asked him.
"I think I'm good with my liquid dinner" Steve said and raised his glass with the wine in it.
"Are you sure Cap?" He asked
"Positive" Steve nods and Sam decided to let him be.
Soon the party was done and it was just the team left.
"Alright everyone, gather around we are opening presents" Nat smiled and everyone gathered around including Steve. There was one rather big box and it had Steves name on it but he didn't think anything of it. Everyone grabbed there gifts and they all took turns opening them. Steve went last to open all his gifts. Nat told him to leave the big one for his last present of the night and he agreed. So after everyone opened their presents it was time for Steve to open his last present the biggest one he had. Everyone was gathered around smiling and Nat was recording him opening the present. Steve started to unwrap the big present.
"Thanks guys I got a box!" Steve laughed and everyone else laughed with him.
"Dammit this box is heavy. What the hell did you get me?" Steve laughs
"You'll see" Bruce said
"Pass me the scissors" Steve said and he got the scissors and cut the top of the box open. He stood back and turned around to place the scissors on the table behind him. Then something popped out of the box and scared Steve he fell back while saying "Oh shit! Oh fuck!" He landed on the floor and everyone laughed.
"Steve have you seen who it is?" Asked Nat.
Steve looked up at the man in the box and it was Tony.
"T-tony.." Steve shakes.
"Hey doll" Tony replies he could see Steve was shaken up Tony had flowers in his hands.
All Steve could stay was Tony again.
Tony walked over to him and dropped the flowers.
Steve started to cry.
"It's ok Steve I'm here" Tony wrapped his arms around the blonde. Steve was crying pulling on Tony's arms while saying his name.
Tony smiled and looked over at his fellow team mates. Then he looked back at Cap. "I'm here Steve I'm okay, your okay" Tony says and pulls him closer. After awhile of crying tears of joy Steve could finally stand up.
"Well since we are still all teary eyed might as well do this" Tony says and kneels in front of Cap.
"Steve you know I love you. And I've been gone for awhile, but I'm here now and I want to live the rest of my life with you. So will you marry me Steve Rogers?" Tony pulled out the ring. Obviously Steve said yes and there ended up being a lot of tears that night, but it wasn't because he was sad it was because Steve was happy. And all ever Tony wanted was for Steve to be happy.
Replace my heart ache and my pain,
With mistletoe and candy canes
This Christmas, could go my way.

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