Youtuber Steve

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Steve sat down in his chair and started the camera and the vlog began.
"Hey guys so today is a dare vlog! And I'm gonna read your dares and do them and try not to get my self killed!" Steve smiled
"Let's do this!"
"Okay so first dare from bubblegirlgum45 is 'I dare you to kiss Tony at random moments in the day like when he least expects it' sounds perfect" Steve laughs and then he sets up the video camera in Tony's lab and waits for Tony to start on his work.
"With the magic of youtube you'll see me now!" Steve snapped his fingers and in the video you see him walking into Tony's office as Tony is working on something with some goggles on. Steve sneaks over to him quietly and pulls him away from what he is working on and kissed him on the lips and left the room. Tony just sat back in shock "What the hell just happened" He asked looking where Cap just walked out of the room. The part of the video was in the kitchen Tony was pouring a glass of juice and making a sandwich as he made his sandwich Cap came out of now where turned Tony around kissed him and then left.
"What are you doing?" Tony chuckles in a confused state as he watches Steve walk off.
Steve did a few more dares in the video and then ended it off with a thank you for watching and goodbye!

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