Civil War

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Steve was in the kitchen making some cookies. Tony always loved his cookies. Tony walked down the stairs in a white shirt and some black shorts. His hair all messy from sleeping. He has a stomach bug, so Steve wanted to make him cookies to cheer him up.
"What you doing Capsicle?" Tony smirks at Steve.
"Stuff and things..." Steve replied not really focused on Tony but focused on his baking.
"Steve" Tony whined
"Shouldn't you be in bed Stark?"
"My stomach didn't like the idea of laying down all day" Tony replied and sat down at the kitchen table.
"Besides I can't stay alone in bed all day I need my boyfriend beside me" Tony smiles. Steve smiled back and continued to cook. Tony got bored. Steve just kept cooking not paying attention to Tony. Tony found some flour in a cabinet.
"Turn around"
Regretting life choices Steve turned around and Tony threw a hand full of flour at his face. Tony fell to the ground laughing.
"You can thank the genius" Tony said with a smile.
"Tony" Steve said smiling
"What?" Steve snapped his fingers and Clint threw an egg at his chest.
"Who's the genius now?" Steve laughs
Tony chuckled and ran after Steve throughout the whole building. It got to the point other avengers joined teams and they went outside filling up water balloons. Tony had Natasha, Rhodney, Peter, the Black Panther, and Vision. Steve had Wanda, Clint, Bucky, Sam, and Scott. Everyone was getting soaked. But it was so fun and totally worth it. Steve threw a balloon at Tony and it hit Tony's back. Everyone ran toward eachother with water balloons. Tony and Steve ended up colliding into eachother. Tony landed right on top of Steve.
"Nice going Stark" Steve laughs
"I have a question Rogers" Tony raised an eyebrow and got off of Steve.
"What?" Steve huffs sitting up
"Do you want your last name to be Stark?" Tony smiled kneeling in front of Steve with a ring in his hand.
Steve covered his mouth
"Yes Tony. Definitely" Steve said
"You sure I can-"
"You put that ring on my God damn finger Mr. Stark" Steve says
"My pleasure" Tony chuckles and then placed the ring on his finger giving him a long kiss.
"This day was great" Tony said
"It was like a civil war" Natasha laughed.

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