Happy Birthday

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Tony woke up with a groan feeling his husband's warmth vanish.

"All I wanted for my birthday was to cuddle is that to much to ask Steven?" Tony mumbles as he gets out of bed.

"Now a days maybe it is" Steve smirks as he pushed open the door to the bathroom as he brushed his teeth.

"Great you heard me" He grumbled as rubbed his face.

"I thought you would enjoy a nice warm birthday shower with your husband" Steve raised an eyebrow looking at his lover. Tony stands up messing up his hair.

"Well yes since you left me to die in the cold" He hits Steve's arm and starts to remove his own clothes. His reactor shined brightly as he turned on the water and took off his pants. Steve started to remove his shirt, but then Tony stopped him.

"I get to remove these clothes. It's my birthday after all" Tony growls and starts to remove Steve's clothes along with his own. They get into the shower and Tony runs his hand through his hair letting the water hit his face. Steve smirks and kissed Tony under the water. Their chest touch and Tony feels uncomfortable. He moved away from Steve and grabbed the shampoo.

"And what was that for?" Steve questions

"Do you really like this?" Tony asked pointing to his reactor as he ran his hand over it feeling the metal on his chest.

"Of course I do Tony, it doesn't matter what is there" Steve smiled sadly feeling bad for his lover. Tony smiles a bit but still feels bad about his reactor. Steve grabbed his husband and kissed his reactor.

"It's so beautiful Tony. Don't think differently" Tony smiled as Steve kissed his chest and came up to kiss his lips.

"And this is why I married you"

"Obviously, I'm irresistible" Steve chuckles

"That's debatable" Tony mumbles and kissed Steve's neck.

After the shower they went downstairs and Steve cooked Tony his favorite breakfast. Later that night Steve gave Tony a picture album of their greatest memories while Steve also took Tony out for dinner at his favorite restaurant.

"This is another reason I married you"

"I told you I'm irresistible" Steve laughs and kissed Tony's lips. Tony smiled against the kiss.

"It's not that much debatable anymore" Tony kissed Steve harder

"I love you Tony, Happy Birthday"

"I love you too thanks Babe" Tony smirks and cuddled into Steve's arms, there is no place else he'd rather be.

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