Deaf Stark

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Tony moves around in bed he searched for Steve, but he was the only one in the bed. Tony groans even though he couldn't hear himself. He gets up and puts on his black shirt where the sleeves hit his elbows and then some jeans. He put on some socks and walked out of their bedroom and went into the Avengers hang out area. Tony made a cup of coffee and started to drink it and felt the all the warmth run through his body. He sighs and closed his eyes. He felt a hand on his back and jumped. He slowly turned around and Steve was there.
'Hello Tony' Steve signed at him.
Tony gives a faint smile.
'What's wrong?'
Tony shrugs and drinks his coffee.
'Come on Tony, just tell me'
Tony shook his head no.
Steve grabbed Tony by the shoulders and kissed his cheek.
'Baby' He signed and put on a pouting face.
"I can't do this Steve!" Tony started to cry. He was still able to talk but Steve had to communicate a different way.
'Can't do what babe?' Steve asked
'I'm not useful anymore!' Tony cried.
Steve hugged him tightly and Tony cried into his chest. Steve kissed the top of Tony's head. Tony just kept crying. Steve brought Tony out so he could read his lips.
"Tony. You are an amazing genius. The Avengers wouldn't be here without you. So what? You lost your hearing. It doesn't change you as a person. Because your still amazing. Your an amazing friend and husband anyone could have" Steve smiles at him. Tony gives a faint smile and snuggled his head back into Steve's chest.
"I don't think I could do this without you" Tony mumbles. Steve ran his fingers through Tony's hair. Another hand went under his shirt and up his back. Tony could feel Steve say 'Yes you can'

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