The Arc Was Ripped Out

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The Avengers were miles away from the mansion. The red skull said he was dying and he switched bodies with the great Captain America. They had that fixed now though.

"You have shown me Stark, what I really need to survive" The skull said and then a burst of electricity went through the whole building. All the Avengers were pushed back and Tony was raised in the air. The blast took off Tony's Ironman suit leaving him plain in a shirt and pants. The arc reactor was glowing bright. The Avengers kept trying to break the force that was keeping them away.

"Tony!" Steve shouted. All that came from the man was screams as the arc reactor was ripped out of his chest. It all flew to the red skull who took his armor and reactor and felt the building. Steve ran to Tony in tears.

"Falcon read vital signs"

"It's not good if Tony were a car he'd be-"

"A really cool sports car" Tony interrupted Falcon as he grunted in pain

"Running on fumes" Falcon finished his sentence. Steve picked Tony up.

"Stay with me Stark" Steve holds him

"How's a guy suppose to pass out in peace with you yelling like that" He says in a rough voice

"Lets get to the jet now" They run outside in the freezing snow.

"Where's the jet?" Falcon asked

"There, there and there" Hulk replied showing him pieces.

"Skull shot down our jet" Thor says

"Don't worry I brought my own ride" Natasha said as she brought her flying car down. Everyone got in and they started for the mansion. Thor was flying outside leading them to the way back home.

"There is a hospital close about 20 minutes" Nat said

"Tony's armor and reactor was the only thing keeping him alive, a hospital can't do anything" Falcon says

"Get me to the mansion" Stark mutters in pain

"Are you sure Tony? I don't think that's possible"

"Welcome to the big leagues Falcon, possible is what we do" Rogers said and made a sign at Thor

"Wind tunnel, Aye follow me!"

"Hey do I know how to pick a team or what? errh" Tony groans and passed out in his seat

"Tony! Tony! Ironman!" Steve says in a panic

"His vitals are dropping fast" Falcon says

Next thing they knew they were at the mansion hurrying to get Tony inside.

They got Tony in his lab and layed him down on a table.

"Try not to die on my first day as an avenger Tony" Falcon says as he plugs cords into the hole in his chest. He turns on the power. "Come on Tony!"

Tony groans taking in the power. He sits up in pain.

"That is something I never want to do again" He looks at Falcon. "Thanks for not electrocuting me as your first day as an Avenger Sam"

"He's not good with thank you's good work Falcon" Steve smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Could you say that again into my phone? I want to make it my ringtone" Falcon smiles

"Heh, rookies" Tony chuckles. Tony gives Steve a kiss on the lips as Steve helps him stand up.

"Jarvis, the mark 50"

"Sir, the mark 50 isn't ready" Jarvis replied

"Jarvis, the mark 50" Tony says again

Steve and Natasha help him over to a opening in the floor that Jarvis opened. They push the machine with Tony because the cords were attached which is saving Tony's life. Tony leans on some metal bars.

"And Falcon, thank you" Tony smiles

"See I can be nice, when I almost die" He makes a face and adds a grunt at the end.

Tony puts on his new armor, with the new arc reactor. It was a lot better than his last suit.

Everyone except for Steve left to go find the red skull.

"Tony.." Steve said

"Yeah?" Tony replied staring at a virtual screen.

"I-I wish I could have don-.." Tony cut Steve off with a kiss.

"You did everything in your power baby, I love you. This is not on you" Tony whispered against his lips. Tony rubbed Steve's cheek with his finger.

"I love you too Tony" Steve replied at the verge of tears.

"Don't try babe, I hate to see you cry" Tony kissed Steve again. Tony felt a tear hit his face. He ran his hands through Steve's hair.

"I'm here and I'm okay, please don't cry anymore" Tony whispers pulling Steve into him. Steve nods his head yes.

"Okay, good let's go find that bastard" Tony said meaning the red skull of course. Steve followed behind him holding Tony's hand. He was afraid to let go of it.

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