2 | Lunch

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Peyton's POV

Me and Sarah exit the lunch line with a slice of nasty looking cheese pizza and we make our way over to a table. We had small talk until Ray came over and sat down.

"Hey Pey, hey Peyton's friend..." He said.

"Hey Ray Ray, this is my best friend Sarah." I said.

"Hey Sarah, you ladies wanna come and sit over there with me and the guys?"

"Sure!" Then we headed over to their table. We both sat down and met his friends. Jacob was the one with the curly afro and he likes punk rock sort of stuff. He was the one in our English class. Chresanto was the one with short, brown, curly hair and he's real chill. Craig is the one with part of his hair blond and he's sorta quiet.

Sebastian came and sat down and his mood immediately changed from happy to pissed.

"Why are they here?" He said.

"Damn Seb, just chill! Your sister is cool, so I invited her to sit with us!" Ray said.

I even heard a few "Yeah's" and "She is cool" from the other guys. I was talking and laughing with Ray, Chres and Jacob while Craig was flirting with Sarah. Hopefully she moves on from Bastian... Speaking of him, he just got up, threw his food away and walked out into the hallway. I started to feel bad.

"Umm... Sorry guys, maybe I shouldn't have came over here." I said.

"Naw, it's alright Pey you don't have to leave. I don't know what has gotten into Bash lately but whatever..." Ray says.

I just brush it off and continue talking.

Sebastian's POV

I walk out the lunchroom and start pacing in the hallway and talking to myself.

"Why do they wanna be Peyton's friend?! The fuck? She's so shy and stuff, while I'm loud and outgoing and fun! Ughhh!"

After I blow off some steam, I head back into the lunchroom and overhear Peyton talking to Ray.

"Hey, you and the guys wanna come over after school today?" She asks him.

"Sure! What time?" He asks.

"Around 5."

"Alright, we'll be there!"

Ughh! I knew this would happen! She would try and steal my friends!

We'll Be Fineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن