7 | Get Down to the Bottom of This

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Peyton's POV

My phone started ringing as soon as I got home and it was Jacob. I answered it,

"Hey Jake!" I said.

"Hey Peyton..." He said.

"What's wrong Jakey?"

I could tell he was blushing through the phone, "U-U-Um I was just wondering if you wanted to do a dance duet with me for the showcase?" He asked. Of course I would dance with him! He's one of the best guy dancers on our team!

"Sure! When do you wanna practice?" I asked him.

"Umm, how about Saturday?"

"That's perfect! See you then!"

"Bye Peyton..."

"Bye Jake! Goodnight!" Then I hung up the phone.

I laid down on my bed as I scrolled through my Instagram. I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in!" I yell.

Then Bastian comes in and lays down next to me on my bed.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked me.

I gave him a confused face, "Yeah! Are you?"

"No I'm not... But that's not the point! I don't want you around Ray..." He said.

Eww, he's not a virgin... But why can't I be around Ray? "How come I can't be around Ray? You're not my dad!"

"Peyton, just don't do anything, 'stupid' with him... And you know what I mean... No kissing, no fucking, no nothing!"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever Sebastian, I've already done one of those things with him anyways... There's no stopping me now!"

"YOU FUCKED HIM?" Seb screamed.

I facepalmed myself. "No Seb, I kissed him today when we were outside in the hallway. He said he liked me, but didn't wanna date me because I was your sister and he's one of your bestfriends. Then I told him I liked him too and he kept trying to explain himself so I just cut him off, and kissed him. Simple as that."

Sebastian just sat there with a shocked look on his face.

"Really, so you made the first move on him?" Seb says.

"Yeah, I know he is your bestfriend and all but I really like him, this feeling is unexplainable..." I say.

"Peyton you know I love and care about you so much I just dont want you moving too fast with Ray..." he says.

"Alright Bash, but you can't stop the way I feel..." I say.

Sebastian stands up from my bed, "Please try Peyton for me please!" He says poking his lip out.

"Okay Bash, damn..." I say.

"Thank you!" he smiles hugging me.

Sebastian then walks out of my room closing the door.

I lay back down on my bed.

I like Ray alot I can't just hold back my feelings. What am I going to do... I soon fall asleep in a cloud of thoughts about my current situation.

I wake up after hearing a soft knock on the door.

"Peyton, I brought you something to eat..." my mom says.

"Thank you mommy!" I say.

She brought me Shrimp Alfredo and garlic bread with a glass of iced tea.

"Eat up sweetie, and remember to do your homework..." mom says.

"Alright..." I say.

She leaves my room.

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