10 | Duet

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Jacob's POV

It was around one o'clock and I was walking to her house. All of us live on the same street so I can walk to all of my friends' houses. Anyways, I approached her house with my dance bag and rang the doorbell.

"Hey Jacob! Come in!" She said.

Oh. My. GOD. She walked up to the door with some realllll tight shorts, watermelon socks and one of those tribal print bra shirt thingys... I think it's called a bandeau or something...I don't know what the fuck it's called but she was looking so beautiful! Her hair was in a long curly ponytail. It looks so cute, especially with the tips dyed blonde. As I came into her house, she walked me into her basement and turned the light on. Damnnn... She has her own dance studio!

"You like it?" She asked.

"Yeah! It's real cool!" I said.

I took my shoes off and when I turned around, she was doing stretches. She's so beautiful... I wonder why Sebastian kept her away from us... I stood there and eyed her body. Her hair, her face, her titties, her- OH MY JESUS! She has a belly button ring! Wow... She's perfect! Too bad she already dates Rayan. I wish she was mine... Whatever... I started doing stretches too, then showed her the duet we should do.

"They're blindfolded Jake! How are we gonna dance?" Peyton screamed.

"That's how we show our skills... If Ms. Liza sees this, we'll most likely be head of the dance team!" I said.

"I guess..." She said.

I showed her all the steps and went over them a dozen times. I've done this duet with another girl before, but she wasn't as good as Peyton.

It started to get hot so I took off my Nirvana shirt and put my hair in a ponytail. That just left me in my pants. I faced Peyton and caught her staring and she turned around and started to blush.

"You like what you see?" I asked.

"Yes, I actually do," she giggled, "You got a nice body there, Jake."

Oh my Lord Jesus from the sweet heavens above! She just complimented my body! What do I say?!

"You're in shape too Peyton!" I said while laughing.

We finally started dancing with our blindfolds on. We kept messing up at first, but once we kept practicing we finally did it. We then ran through the dance with our blindfolds for the last time. As Peyton got up on my shoulder, her foot slipped and she fell on the hard, wooden dance floor. She hit her leg and once she fell on the ground, she didn't get up. Ohhh shit! I'm in trouble now... I heard a pop and she started screaming and crying. Dammit... The basement is soundproof and I don't want to make her hurt even worse by carrying her somewhere.

I just sat down next to her and pulled her into my lap and let her cry in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back to soothe her and calm her down. I looked at her right knee and I saw that her kneecap was on the side of her knee, instead of the front. I looked around and grabbed my dance bag and grabbed a towel from it. I folded it up and set Peyton's injured leg on my lap.

"Peyton, I'm gonna have to pop it back into place, alright?" I said.

"N-N-NO! It's gonna hurt! Don't you dare!" She screamed at me.

"Here," I handed her the towel, "Bite down on this while I do it."

She nodded her head and put it in her mouth.

"I'm gonna pop it back in at the count of 3 okay?" I said.

She nodded. I put my hands on her knee and got ready to pop it back into place.

"One, two!" Then there was a crack and a pop, then her knee was back in place.

"OH MY FUCKING GOSH! JACOB I'M GONNA KILL YOUR ASS!" She screamed and cried as I wrapped a bandage around her knee.

"If I got to three, you would've jerked your leg away. So, I did it when you were off guard." I explained.

She just nodded, got in my lap again and cried in my chest again. I held her, rested my chin on her head, and comforted her again until she calmed down.

"You okay Peyton?" I asked.

She nodded her head yes, then I kissed her head. Wait... That wasn't a good move... She has a boyfriend. But her hair was so soft... She looked up at me and I wiped her tears away. I started to lean in and kiss her, but she has a boyfriend. I leaned back, but she pulled my head forward and my lips met hers. She turned and wrapped her legs around my waist and placed her hands on the side of my face. I placed my hands on her waist and continued to kiss her. I softly bit her lip and she moaned. I heard a scream from the doorway. It was Peyton's little sister Riley. Peyton started kissing my neck.

"Peyton stopppp..." I moaned-whispered.

"Why?" She giggled.

"Your little sister saw us..."

Peyton's POV

"Awww mann..." I said.

I got up from Jacob's lap and limped over to Riley.

"Who's that?" She asked.

"He's my ummm... Dance partner..." I said.

"Well, you guys should date! He's a cutie... I know if I was older I would..." She laughed.

She's not wrong... Jacob is cute... Wait, he's handsome... But I go out with Ray.

"Yeah, I know right? But don't tell nobody what you saw..."

"I wasn't going to Peyton! You're my sister, my bestfriend! Plus, I only screamed cause I was surprised. I don't usually come downstairs to see my sister eating some hot guys face off."

I laughed, "Thanks Riley..."

I limped back over to Jacob and helped him up from the ground.

"Umm, Jacob... I'm sorry about what just happened... I was just in the moment." I said.

"It's alright Peyton... But I really liked it." He said.

"Yeah... Me too, but I'm still with Ray..."

I walked him to the front door and we talked for a little bit. As he was about to leave he whispered in my ear, "If you ever break up with Rayan... Call me... I'll be waiting..."

I blushed, and he gave me a peck on the cheek then walked out the door.

I limped upstairs, because I was so tired. Dancing wore me out plus my knee still hurt... So I'm gonna take a nap.

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