9 | Truth or Dare

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Sebastian's POV

It was Friday, my parents were out for the weekend and I decided to invite all our friends over. We invited Ray, Jacob, Chresanto, Craig, Kyla, Sarah, and Brooke. Kaden was sick and the rest of the dance team couldn't come.

After everyone arrived we started watching movies and eating popcorn. After awhile, everyone got bored so, your's truly, decided to play dares. Everyone sat down in a circle as I opened the truth or dare app on my phone and set it to dares only. Peyton goes first.

"Wait, Sebastian... Is this the dirty dares app?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I said.

"You know what? Fuck it... Let's live a little! Now, what's my dare... Lick Jacob's face two times..."

She walked over to Jacob and licked him. Then passed the phone to me.

"Wear an item of women's clothing... How come I always gotta get the gay dares!" I said.

Peyton went upstairs to give me some of her clothes. She came back with a skirt. I gave her a straight face and she just grinned at me. I went to go change and when I came out everybody started laughing. I sat down then I tossed the phone to Ray.

"Place an ice cube down your underwear. Ughh..." Ray said.

He went in our freezer and got some ice and put it down his pants, then sat back in the circle and waited for it to melt. Then he passed the phone to Brooke.

"Imitate a blowjob on a bottle... Oh well... Nothing I haven't done before.

She gets up and grabs an empty pop bottle and begins to suck on it.

Brook sucks on the bottle like she has had alot of practice.

"Damn girl." I say.

"Where you learn to suck like that?" Jacob said.

"That takes a lot of practice..." Chresanto said.

Peyton's POV

As I look around, all the guys looked uncomfortable, but in awe at the same time. I looked over at Jacob, and he sitting with his chin on his knees. Chres was laying down on his stomach and Ray was sitting with his legs crossed. Obviously they were getting turned on by Brooke's "skills". Boys, will be boys... Horny all the time... I hear a moan, so I look to my left and Sebastian had his hands in his pants and his eyes closed. Nobody else sees this? Is he really doing this in front of people?

"Sebastian, stop!" I whispered-yelled at him.

"Peyton, leave me alone... I'm almost done..." He whispered.

"Eww! Stop it! Do this in your own time!" I said as I pulled his hand from his pants. When I pulled his hand out, it was covered in "the white stuff".


"Peyton, what's wrong?" Craig asked.

"N-N-Nothing... Sebastian's just being Sebastian..." I said.

Brooke finished her dare and passed the phone to Jacob.

"Lick Peyton's ear... What the hell is up with these licking dares?" Jake said.

He walked over and crouched behind me and licked my ear... Is it wrong that I liked it? No! Ray Ray is your boyfriend Peyton! Stop thinking about Jacob and his big, luscious, curly hair, and his gorgeous brown eyes, or his- NO! I need to stop...

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