11 (2) | The Showcase

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Friday, October 11, 2013 - 10:30 pm

Jacob's POV

I got up from the couch as I woke up from my short nap. I saw a note on the kitchen counter from my mom and forty dollars..

Dear Jacob,

I went out with my girlfriends for the night to the casino. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Feel free to invite your friends over. I left you forty dollars in case you guys get hungry. Love you!

~Mom xoxo

Aww... I love my mama. I think I will invite my friends over. I called up Craig, Chres and Sebastian and they all said they were on their way to my house. About fifteen minutes later I heard my doorbell ring. I opened it, and it was the guys.

"Damn J! What happened to your face?" Chres screamed.

"Long story... Come on in guys." I said.

They all came in and plopped down on the couch.

"So... How did you become so ugly dawg?" Craig said.

"Well... I'm pretty sure Sebastian knows but, I like Peyton..." I said.

"Hell yeah! Bash yo sis is fine as fuck!" Chres said.

"Yeah Seb, she hella sexy, she real cool but, I don't think she'll like me back tho... That's why I got my eye on her friend Sarah..." Craig said.

"Can y'all shut the fuck up about my sister? Damn..." Seb said.

"Anyways, back to me and my hideousness. I reallllyyy like Peyton and she likes me back... I can already tell... Lord, what happened in her dance studio that one day... But, at the end of our da-" I started but I was cut off.

"What happened in the studio Jake?" Seb said with a pissed look.

"Um... We went over the routine and she fell and her knee popped out of socket. She started crying so I held her and comforted her ya know? Plus, being that it had happened to me multiple times I knew how to fix it. So, I put it back into place and she started wailing again. I comforted her again, kissed the top of her head and wiped her tears away. Then she pulled me towards her and we had a real good make out session, until Riley came in and saw us. And Sebastian, I have to say that your sister's lip game is A1..." I said while chuckling.

I looked over at Seb and he looked like he was about beat my ass.

"I. Swear. On. My. Life. If Ray didn't beat yo ass earlier I would pounce on yo ass so quick Jacob!" Seb growled.

"Anyways... At the end of our dance I kissed her and we found Ray and he beat my ass. The end." I said.

"Damn Jake... You and Ray are so lucky!" Chres said.

"Exactly! Kissing Peyton is probably like kissing Jesus!" Craig said.

I laughed, while Seb was still mad.

"You know what? If you guys are just gonna sit up here and talk dirty about my sister, then I'm out. Deuces!" He yelled as he walked out the door.

After Seb left, me and the rest of the guys were still talking for about 20 minutes and I heard the doorbell ring. I opened it and it was Peyton. She started crying as she fell into my arms. I picked her up bridal style as she cried into my shirt. I sat down on the couch and held her in my arms as she cried.

I rubbed her back and comforted her, "Shhh... It's okay... Calm down..."

Chresanto and Craig just stared with their mouths wide open.

"Damn J... You got fine ass girls showing up at your doorstep now?" Craig said.

"And, they come to you crying? You're gonna have to show me how to do that!" Chres said.

"Guys... Can you just stop with the jokes! This is serious... Peyton needs me right now... So go play some games or something while I take care of her... Alright?" I whispered.

They nodded and turned on my Xbox and started playing NBA 2K13. Peyton was still crying and I took her upstairs to my room and sat her on my bed and I sat down next to her.

"What's wrong Peyton?" I asked.

She started sniffling, "I-I-I'm a slut!" She screamed and started crying into her hands. Aw... Now I feel bad... If I didn't kiss her, none of this would've happened.

"No, you're not a slut... I was wrong for kissing you when you have a boyfriend..."

"HAD a boyfriend. I broke up with him after he just wanted me for sex..." She said sniffling.

"Oh... Well I'm sorry..."

"It's alright... I'll be back. I gotta use the bathroom..." She said and walked away towards my bathroom. Damn... That ass... 2 minutes passed, then 5 passed, 10, 15, 25, 30.... She was taking awfully long in the bathroom, so I knocked on the door. No answer. I opened it and saw her sitting on the floor of the bathroom, trembling with a razor in her right hand and blood flowing out of her left arm. I kneeled down next to her and looked at her arm. A whole bunch of words were carved into it.





My mouth dropped open.

"I know you probably think I'm suicidal and crazy now... Huh?!" She screamed.

"No Peyton... Not at all..." I said.

I took the razor out her hand and threw it away. I helped her up from the floor and washed her arm off in the sink. I got some peroxide from in the medicine cabinet and poured it on her arm, then wrapped it up with a gauze.

"There ya go... Good as new..." I laughed.

"Thanks Jacob," she said as we walked back to my room and sat on my bed. "I-I-I think I love you Jake... I honestly do..."

She... She loves me?! Oh man... I've been waiting for this moment forever!

"I love you too..." I said.

She then gently pushed me down onto my bed and straddled my waist. I started smiling as she leaned down to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss and kissed her back. She snuck her tongue into my mouth as it started getting more intense. I set my hands on her hips and she gripped onto my curls. I heard the door open but, continued to kiss her anyways.

"Woah Jake..." Craig said.

"Damn bro... That's what you were doing up here all this time! If y'all wanted to fuck, you could've told us and we would've left!" Chres said.

I pulled away from Peyton. "Ummm, its okay you guys... Just please knock before you come in next time... Don't wanna see nothing that'll scar you for life!" I laughed.

"Umm I think I should go home Jake... Thanks again..." Peyton said as she gave me another peck on the lips before leaving. I walked her down to my front door and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug before she walked home.

Aw shit... Now Ray is about to be after my ass...

Peyton's POV

I opened the door to my house and walked to my room. I think I really needed that with Jacob... I really like him... But, I don't really want another boyfriend right now...

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