16 | First Date

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Riley's POV

I'm soo excited for this date.

I woke up and walked down the stairs for breakfast.

"Riley, you ready for your first date?" Peyton asked.

"Riley, you better not that little nigga touch you or Imma have to beat his ass." Sebastian scolded.

"Bash, you be trying to act all hard. How many fights have you been in? Oh yeah... Zero!"

"I was about to beat a nigga ass on the first day... "

"Seb, you weren't going to do anything because you know you were afraid."

"Anyway, seriously Riley, watch the guy. We can be slick as fuck if we want some. "

"Okay, Bastian..."

Peyton walk over and whispers in my ear.

"It's okay Riley... if you want to kiss Izzy it's fine with me. I agree that you should watch him, but y'all have fun."

"What y'all whispering about?" Sebastian says with a confused look.

"Nothing!" we say as we smile at Sebastian.

"Whatever, I'm going to go to my room."

Sebastian walks out of the kitchen and upstairs.

"OMG only one hour until the date!" I squealed.

"You better hurry then Riley." Peyton said.

I run up the stairs, take a shower and get dressed.

Just as I am fixing my hair. I hear the doorbell.

"Aw damn..." I said.

I hear Seb open the door.

Sebastian's POV

I walk to the door and open it.

I see a guy with his hair in a bun wearing a hot pink shirt, hot pink swimming trunks and purple Vans.

"Who the fuck are you ?"

"Isadore.... I'm here for Riley" He says in a Mexican accent.

"I didn't know you was gay... She cool then!"


"You don't have to front. You got more hair than most of these girls and you wearing purple and pink. Fuck outta here nigga, you gay, you don't gotta lie, it's cool with me. "

Then the guy starts going off in Spanish... I don't even know what he was saying.

Riley comes down the stairs.

"Izzy!!" she yells as she runs toward him.

They hug and that shit looks like more than a friendly hug.

"Okay maybe you're not gay." I mumbled.

"Bash, why would I be going on a damn date with a gay boy." Riley said.

"Ummm....because you think he's hot." I say with a stupid look on my face.

She blushes "Shut up Bastian!"

"So you think I'm hot?" Izzy says with a smirk.

"Duh, I'm going on a date with you. "

I hear Peyton run down the stairs.

"Wait guys, before you leave I have to take pictures!"

"Fine..." Riley said in an annoyed tone.

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