4 | Tryouts

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Ray Ray's POV

I was chatting it up with Peyton in English class waiting for the teacher to arrive. It's thirty minutes into class and he still isn't here but whatever... We were still talking until the intercom interrupted us.

"Good morning students of Los Angeles High School! Today there will be sports and dance tryouts until six o'clock. All sports meet in the gym, dance meet in the school basement in the dance studio. Have a great day!" The intercom then clicked off.

I look over and Peyton was cheesing a little TOO hard.

"Watcha all smiles for Pey?" I asked.


"Okay? Sooo?"

"I've been dancing since I was four years old. I do contemporary, tap, lyrical, hip-hop, jazz, modern, acrobatic, ballet, the whole nine yards! I haven't been having dance class for the last couple of month though... My dance teacher got knocked up... But I dance alone in my basement sometimes... My dad built me my own dance studio down there."

"Oh... I dance a little bit too ya know... And I'm not half bad either... I do hip hop... That's really it..."

"Oh cool! My brother dances too! He does almost everything I do, and sometimes he does duets with me... It's his hidden talent... But don't tell him I told you... Shh!" She giggles.

Oh, she's so cute... Wait, stop it Ray, you barely know her. But, she dances too? She must be flexible... I can just imagine what she can do when she's- no! I gotta stop this man...

"Um... Ray? Your little friend came for a visit..." She says pointing to my pants.

I look down and see what she's talking about.

I shrug. "Oh well... It is what it is."

"So you're just gonna sit there?" She asked.

"Well yeah... I'm too lazy to go to the bathroom plus, I don't feel like busting a nut right now. Ya know what I'm saying?" I tell her.

"Eww, you're gross!" She laughs then playfully hits my shoulder.

Then Jacob walked over, found an empty desk and sat next to us.

"Hey Ray, hey Peyton..." Jacob said.

"Hey Jake!" We both said.

"Why the long face?" Peyton asked him.

"Well, I wanna run track but, I wanna dance too! I even went to a dance school for crying out loud! But, I'm stuck between which one to do." He said.

"Well Jake, buddy," I said, "There's one obvious answer. Just join this dance team and run track on the city's team or something. Duh!" I said.

"Well... I never thought of that... I guess I'll be at dance tryouts today! Thanks Ray! See ya later Peyton!" He said.

Then the bell rang and that was the end of English class.

After School

Peyton's POV

After I put on my emergency dance clothes (yes, I have emergency dance clothes for days like these... Don't judge) I headed down to the basement where I saw Jacob, Ray and Sebastian. Wow, I didn't think Bastian was gonna come... Anyways, I greeted them and waited for the coach to arrive. I then saw a lady that looked about twenty walk in along with that girl who bumped into me on the first day of school.

"Hello students," the lady said, "I'm your coach Ms. Liza, and the young lady next to me is a senior here and her name is Hailey Walters, and she is your assistant dance coach."

After Ms. Liza left the room, Hailey just stood there giving me dirty looks as we were stretching and warming up. Ray and Jake noticed too.

"Aye Pey, why the fuck she looking at you like that?" Ray asked.

I then told him and Jacob about what happened on the first day of school.

"Well, you should've beat her ass Pey! Duh!" Ray said.

"No guys, spread the peace!" Jacob exclaimed.

"You guys are too much!" I said, laughing.

Then Ms. Liza came back in.

"Time to dance!" She screamed.

She showed us the choreography about three times then we were on our own. We danced for a good twenty minutes doing the same choreography over, and over, and over, and the more we danced the less people were there. I was in my own dance world not caring about the people around me. After about ten more minutes, she told us to stop. I was out of breath and sweaty and nasty. I then looked around and there were ten on us left. Surprisingly, Ray, Jacob and my brother made it. There were also six other people there, two boys and four girls. One girl had green eyes, another girl had purple hair, another girl looked asian and there was this Mexican looking girl. One of the guys was white with blue eyes and the other guy's eyes were green. Ms. Liza then told us to line up and say our names.

"Jacob... Perez...." Jake said, out of breath.

"Sebastian Williams..." Seb said.

"Peyton Williams..." I said.

"Rayan Lopez." Ray said.

"Matthew Johnson..." the blue eyed boy said.

"Kaden Phillips..." the boy with green eyes said.

"Kyla Phillips..." the girl with green eyes said.

Oh another pair of twins, eh?

"Brooke Adams..." purple hair said.

"Gabrielle Rivera..." the mexican looking girl said.

"Samantha Long..." the asian girl said.

"Well, as you can see, the ten of you have made it onto Los Angeles High School's dance team! Congratulations! Practice starts after next week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from three thirty to five o'clock. Pack your things and I'll see you all in a week!" Ms. Liza said.

As Sebastian, Ray, Jacob and I walked out of the dance studio, and up the stairs to the main floor, we saw Chresanto, Craig and Sarah smiling.

"Guess what?" Everybody asked.

"I MADE IT!" Everybody screamed.

"The coach said I was the best freshman football player he's seen and that I would be quarterback for the freshman team!" Chres said.

"Coach James said I'm like the freshman all-star player for the basketball team!" Craig said.

"Mrs. Walters said I'll be head cheerleader by next year!" Sarah screamed.

We then huddled up into a group hug and walked out of the school and went home.

When me and Bastian got home, we ate dinner, told our parents about dance, we went to our rooms and got ready for bed. Right after I got out the shower, my phone buzzed and it was a text from Ray.

{Ray Ray (^_^)}

You wanna go to the park tomorrow?

{Peyton <3}

Sure! What time?

{Ray Ray (^_^)}

12:00... I'll come to your house.

{Peyton <3}

Alr... Goodnight Ray Ray!

{Ray Ray (^_^)}

Goodnight Peyton!

Oh lord... This is gonna be like a date...


A/N: During the texts, when it says "{Peyton <3} that's what her name is in Ray's phone... Keep that in mind...

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