15 | Help From a Friend

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Gabrielle's POV

I walk into school, and find Ray Ray by his locker. I realized that I needed this job for my family. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh hey Gabby!" He said.

"Hey Ray... I was wondering if you still had that job open for the ice cream place?" I asked.

His mood instantly changed. "I thought you didn't want my charity!" He said, angrily.

"I didn't mean it like that! I just thought you were feeling sorry for me. But, now I realize that you were just looking out for me. Sooo... Can I get that job?"

He grinned, "Sure, I'll take you after school and you can talk to my parents about it."

"Thank you so much!" I screamed, then gave him a big hug.

After School

Sebastian's POV

After dance practice let out, I was waiting on Allison so we can go to her first doctor's appointment. She walked down the stairs into the basement and I gave her a hug.

"Hey Al..." I greeted her.

"Hi Sebastian... You ready for this appointment?" She asked.

"Yeah... Don't we find out if its gonna be a boy or a girl today?" I asked her.

"Yeah! I'm so excited!" She squealed.

"I hope its a-" I started. Then, I heard quiet moans and giggling and "I love you's" coming from around the corner. Being the nosey person I am, I look around the corner and I see a familiar curly afro. I look closer and see that he's making out with... PEYTON?!

"Jake! What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled.

Jacob pulled away from her and saw me. He looked down at Peyton and she was looking at me worriedly.

"Bastian, I can explain!" She said.

"Don't you go out with Ray Ray, Peyton?" I asked her.

"No. Not anymore... That night of the showcase, he tried having sex with me, so I broke it off..."

"I told you that's all he wanted from you Peyton... Now explain to me what you and Jake are doing?" I asked.

"Well Seb, I really like your sister. I won't treat her like Ray did... I don't want anything from her except love... When we first kissed in her dance studio, is when it all started. From then on, we've been inseparable... She's... Special... I love her." Jake said.

I saw Peyton and she was blushing. I guess they do have a special connection... She does seems happier with Jake. He's the nicest out of all of us. He probably won't fuck up and mess around with other girls either.

"Jake, all I ask you to do, is to not get in her pants... Unless y'know... Y'all feel like its the umm, uhh, right... time... Anyways, you guys know what I mean. Be safe! And Peyton, mom said she should be here shortly. I'm going to the doctor with Allison. And Jake... Don't have too much fun with my sister... See you guys later!" I said as I walked back to Allison.

"You ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let's go." Then she grabbed my hand and we walked to her mom's car. She hit the four month mark a couple of days ago, so we get to find out the gender of the baby.

We soon arrived at the doctor's office and sat in the waiting room, waiting for Allison's name to be called. About 15 minutes later, someone came out.

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