17 | Fucking Asthma.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Peyton's POV

Me, Riley and Sebastian walk into school for another stupid ass Monday... Riley walks down the 9th grade hallway and I walk to my locker and see Kaden and Allison all hugged up near his locker. Welp... that's weird. I thought... nevermind. That's not my business. I see Jacob in his tie-dye hoodie putting some books in his locker, so I decided to walk over to him and tell him what's been on my mind. Oh mah gawd. He had his hair in ponytail and he looked so cute! I got closer to him and saw that he was listening to... The Misfits. Ew. I love Jacob to death but his music choice is just so... No... Imma have to make him listen to something different... He saw me just standing there and staring at him, so took his earbuds out his ear to talk to me.

"Hey Peyton! You look cute today!" He said.

I looked down at my outfit. All I was wearing were some floral overalls, a pink shirt, my floral Doc Martens, with half of my hair up and the other half down with a black bow in the ponytail.

"Thanks Jacob... Umm, I have something I need to tell you..." I told him.

I dragged him to an abandoned classroom and closed the door.

"Umm... Peyton... I ain't bring any condoms or nothing sooo...." He said while patting his pockets.

I just straight faced him, "I didn't bring you in here for that! Gosh... Anyways... I just wanted to let you know that... I'm ready!"

"Ready for what?" He asked looking confused as ever.

Is this nigga dumb or stupid... "What were you just mad about last week?"

"I was upset becuase you didn't wanna date me." He pouted.

Then his eyes got big, "Wait," he smirked, "Peyton, will you be my girlfriend?"

Finally. I nodded yes, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

Sebastian's POV

I walk away from my sisters and see Allison and Kaden at his locker. They were all cuddled up and shit. I'm sick and tired of her playing me like this! Kaden's probably been fucking her too. I walk up to her locker and they step away from each other when they see me coming.

"Hey Allison. Kaden. " I said.

"Hey Seb," Allison said. "Why do you look so mad?"

"Were you fucking Kaden?" I growled.

"Ummm, what makes you think that Seb?" She asked nervously.

"Were. You. Fucking. Kaden?" I stepped closer to her.

"Aye Bash whatchu finna do to her?" Kaden asked as he tried pulling me away.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME." I yelled in his face.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time Allison. After this, I'm just gonna fucking blow up. Now... WERE. YOU. FUCKING. KADEN?" I yelled between my gritted teeth.

"Yes..." she whispered.

"Allison, Allison, Allison. I cried over you, I lost sleep over you AND you expect me to believe this kid is mine? Don't ask me to do shit for you until the baby is born. If that little boy comes outta you with black hair and green eyes, I would advise you to stop talking to me. Thanks for making me waste about a month of my life where I could've been doing better shit than taking care of yo ass. He is all your's now. I don't wanna hear from yo ass until about four months from now. Goodbye Allison! I'm not finna get another tardy fucking around witcho ass." I said I walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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