9 | The Dark Side

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The dark room allowed a small ray of light reflect over my eyes as I looked at Master Yoda.

"Master Obi-Wan said that you would be willing to help me." I said as his eyes met mine.

Master Yoda hummed. "I will, yes."

I inhaled. "I felt so much anger, I didn't know it was possible."

"Anger from what, hmm?"

"From death."

He hummed again. "Death is a natural cause of life."

"I'm afraid." I said.

He shook his head as he held his cane in his hand tightly. "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

I looked up at the short creature as he spoke. "What do I do, Master Yoda?"

"Train yourself to let go."

I already lost her, I thought. But of course, he couldn't know that.

"Thank you, Master." I said, standing up.


I spent that evening out on the balcony of my apartment, watching Speeders fly by. I didn't want to think of the fact that I killed my Father, but I ended up doing it.

That's when I felt a presence. I turned around to see Anakin.

"I thought you'd be here." He said, standing next to me.

"It's beautiful out here. Perhaps that's why I think clearer when I'm out here." I said, watching him look at me.

"Master Yoda truly is a great person to talk to, out of the Jedi. Being almost 900 years old, he's learned a lot." He explained.

"I can't take back what I did." I said, not meeting his gaze. "A true Jedi would have let him live."

"You're a Padawan." He reminded me. "We aren't supposed to kill, but you're new to the Jedi and the Galactic Law."

"It doesn't matter!" I cried. "I still killed someone, my own Father!"

He shushed me and pulled me into his arms, rubbing my back calmly as I pressed my forehead to his chest. I sniffled as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"You're going to be alright, Lydia." Anakin promised me. "It's has to get worse before it gets better."

I closed my eyes as my hands rested on both of his arms. "Thank you, Anakin.. Really. You are the only one I feel safe around, and I appreciate you with everything in me."

He smiled. "I can say that you are a great gift, Milady."

"What if the Council finds out that I killed my Father?" I asked.
"They won't find out, Lydia. I promise you."

I was going to believe Anakin since I could trust him. He gently rubbed my arm before letting go.

"Don't forget, we have training tomorrow." He said, pointing a finger at me. "I'm curious to see if you can beat me yet."

"I don't think I can beat a great Jedi like you." I smiled, watching him chuckle.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He said.


I stepped into my apartment, and immediately changed out of my gear, and into a comfortable night gown. I walked towards the balcony, allowing the fresh air to hit my face.

I let out a quiet sigh as I closed my eyes. "I'm so sorry."


My eyes snapped open as the voice rang in my ears. "Who's there?"

"Lydia, only you can hear me. You have dug deep into the Force."

I swallowed. "Who are you?"

"I am Qui-Gon Jinn."

My hands grabbed the railing. "Y-You're Obi-Wan's Master... Were."

"And you are Anakin's learner."

"How did I do this?"

"The Force is strong in you, Young one. You've only just know discovered it."

I hid my face in my hands. "I killed him, Master Qui-Gon. I actually killed my Father."

"You mustn't keep it in, Young Lydia. Your thoughts will eventually betray you."

"I didn't even realize I had done it until I seen it." I sniffled.

"You have to come clean with the Council, or they will suspend you."

"I-I can't." I stuttered. Am I really talking with a Force ghost? Or am I truly losing my mind?

"Being afraid is not a Jedi way. You must learn to be fearless; to be honest."

I blinked the stray tears away. "Do you think they'll let me pass?"

"Only them can figure that out. But you must learn. Lies will fulfill you. Anger and hatred, and strong in you. But the Force that is flowing through you is much stronger."

I inhaled. "I want to let go."

"If you only knee your great grandfather." Qui-Gon began. "He was a powerful Jedi, who didn't have an ounce of hatred or anger in him. He was strong, but not strong enough to defeat the Sith; but the Sith defeated him."

I let out a shaky breath as I let my hands drop to my sides. "I'll tell the Council."

"You will learn that it's the best way."

It was quiet for a moment, until Qui-Gon spoke again.

"I must go for now, Young Lydia." He said to me.

"The Force will be with you."


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