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There were really only two people in the world that Angelo truly, thoroughly cared about.

The first of those two people was his girlfriend, Kelly.

He had been dating her since their first year of high school, and he loved her dearly. She was Angelo's first serious relationship, too, by his standards, and they had lasted together for almost four years now.

Angelo cared about her a lot, he really did, but in the long run, she cared about him more than he cared about her. He just didn't quite realize that yet. Neither of them did, in all honesty.

As far as Kelly could see, Angelo was her entire world, and she believed that she was Angelo's, too. And, as far as Angelo could tell, she was his entire world. There wasn't another person out there that he cared about as much as her.

Well, besides person number two. The only other person in the world that Angelo truly cared about was his best friend, Chris.

Chris had been by Angelo's side since the first day of preschool, and the two of them had been inseparable ever since. They had just clicked from the beginning. To Angelo, Chris was the best friend anyone could ask for, and then some.

However, things were a bit different from Chris' point of view.

You see, there was really only one person out there that Chris cared about. And that person was Angelo.

As it was mentioned before, Angelo had been Chris' best friend from the beginning. The two were rarely seen apart when they were younger.

But, that seemed to slowly be changing ever since Angelo and Kelly started dating.

It wasn't that Chris hated Kelly with his entire being for slowly stealing his best friend from him; no, it wasn't like that at all. Chris liked Kelly as a person. She was such a kind girl, he couldn't even come close to denying that. He just wasn't exactly a big fan of the fact that Angelo was spending less and less time with him, and spending more and more time with her.

And no, this wasn't just a 'you're stealing my best friend, please stop' type of thing, but it was that combined with a 'you're stealing the only man I've ever felt anything real for, please stop' type of thing.

You see, it was the summer before high school began that Chris began to realize he was developing a bit of a crush on his good ol' buddy ol' pal, Angelo. Of course, he didn't say anything about it, because he didn't want to make things weird and awkward between him and his only close friend. But, of course, the fact that he never said anything about it assisted Angelo in being completely oblivious to Chris' feelings. And, of course, Angelo being oblivious to Chris' feelings lead him to asking out Kelly.

Because Angelo couldn't deny the fact that he had once felt something for Chris. But, he brushed it off, for the same reasons Chris did. However, Angelo's feelings for Chris seemed to disappear, whereas Chris' feelings for Angelo had been just continued to develop. And they had already been there, growing, for almost five years.

Maybe, just maybe, if Chris admitted his feelings to Angelo back when they were developing, things would be different. But, he would never know, because he couldn't go back and change them now.

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