2: Pretty Much Just Driving And Dialogue

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Chris woke up the next morning with his arm lazily draped around his best friend. As he came to realize this, he quickly pulled his arm away, still being cautious not to wake Angelo up just yet. If Angelo wasn't in a relationship with Kelly, he would've spent more time enjoying that moment, but he felt like it would be wrong to stay in that position for too much longer while the boy in his arms was already in a relationship.

He rolled over and picked up his phone, checking the time. 7:06 in the morning. As much as Chris wanted to let Angelo sleep, he felt it would be for the best to wake him up, at least to let him know he was going to continue driving.

Chris gently placed his hand on Angelo's upper arm, lightly shaking the boy awake.

"Oh, hey, Chris," Angelo mumbled as his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," Chris replied with a small smile.

"Uh, what time is it?" Angelo inquired, sitting up a bit.

"Like, seven in the morning," Chris responded.

"Dude, why'd you wake me up so early?" Angelo chuckled.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted to wake up bright and early," Chris protested with a laugh. "I wanted to let you know that I was gonna start driving again. If you wanna go back to sleep, though, feel free. I just wasn't sure if you'd be comfortable sleeping back here while the van is moving."

"Nah, I think I'll be fine," Angelo shrugged. "I might try to sleep for a little while longer."

"Alright," Chris nodded. "I'll be up front driving, obviously."

"Yeah, see you whenever I wake up again, Chris," Angelo laughed.

Chris simply smiled at his friend in response, then stood up, stretching himself out a bit. He slipped his shoes on, and opened the back doors as quietly as he could, not wanting to prevent Angelo from falling back to sleep, and closed them again. He then made his way to the front of the van, hopping into the driver's seat.

As Chris drove back onto the highway, his thoughts wandered to the way he had woken up about fifteen minutes ago. He didn't remember cuddling or anything with Angelo at all the night before. Nothing could have possibly happened between the who of them anyway, even something as innocent as casual cuddling, considering how much Angelo cared about Kelly. There was no way he would do anything that would be unfaithful to her, as far as Chris could tell.

Kelly was the person who really changed everything around for the two best friends. Before she came along and charmed Angelo the way she did, Chris and Angelo were just about always attached at the hip. Wherever one of them went, the other wasn't too far behind. Chris could admit, the two of them were much closer than the average set of male best friends all throughout their childhood, and they had casually cuddled a few times back then, and at least a handful of other things that people would consider a bit intimate.

But, everything really seemed to change around the end of sixth grade. That was the year that Angelo met Kelly for the first time.

Kelly was in his English class, his science class, and his art class. And he got to know her the best he could during those classes, and the closer they came to the end of the school year, the more Angelo realized that he was starting to develop a bit of a crush on this girl.

However, around that same time, Chris was starting to develop his feelings for Angelo. He did what he could to brush them away, refusing to believe the fact that he was falling for his best friend. A couple years went by, and by the time Chris finally managed to admit to himself that he felt something for his best friend, Angelo had asked Kelly out on a date. And then another. And then another. And then one more. After that he asked her to be his girlfriend, and of course, she said yes.

Chris had been pretty miserable since then, on the inside at least. He always wondered what would've happened if he just said something, anything about how he felt. But, the past was the past, and he had to live with the fact that Angelo wasn't his, and he more than likely never would be his.

"Hey," a voice spoke, breaking Chris away from his thoughts. "I'm awake."

Chris looked out of the corner of his eye to see Angelo peeking at him from behind the two front seats.

"Hey," Chris replied. "Um, do you want me to pull over so you can come up here and sit?"

"Yeah, that sounds good," Angelo chuckled.

Of course, Chris acknowledged his friend's request, pulling over on the side of the highway, letting Angelo come to sit up front, now that he was awake.

"So, how long was I out for?" Angelo asked as he hopped into the passenger seat.

"Only about another twenty minutes," Chris replied.

"Damn," Angelo chuckled. "I would've guessed it would've been at least another hour."

"It must've been the fact that you were laying down in a moving vehicle," Chris responded.

"Yeah, I guess so," Angelo replied. "Where do you think we'll end up stopping tonight?"

"I'd like to make it to Utah, at least," Chris answered. "But, who knows, we might only make it to Colorado before we get tired. Either way, though, we'll be pretty close to our vacation spot."

"Sounds good," Angelo nodded. "Do you think any of the others made it there yet?"

"I doubt it," Chris scoffed. "Unless any of them decided to take a plane out there, they're probably all around the same place we are right now."

"Good point," Angelo said, laughing a bit.

A small smile formed on Chris' lips as Angelo's laughter filled his ears. He took a quick glance at the boy sitting next to him. God, he looked stunning with the way that the sunlight was shining on him through the window.

Chris took a breath and tore his eyes away from Angelo, putting his focus back on the road. He didn't want Angelo to catch him staring, and he sure as hell didn't want to crash the van.

He couldn't believe how lucky Kelly was to have Angelo. He was all anyone could ever want, in both a partner and a friend. But, Chris only had Angelo as a friend, and Kelly had him as both.

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