3: This Is The Longest Chapter In This Fic

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(A/N: alright lmao I just noticed that I forgot to include the song this fic is based on in the first couple chapters for those who haven't heard it, so there it is)

After one more stop outside of Nevada, Angelo and Chris finally made it to their destination: Las Vegas. Both of them were filled to the brim with excitement as they pulled into the parking lot of their hotel, noticing that their dear friends, Ricky and Devin, had already arrived.

Chris shot Ricky a quick text once they parked, letting him know that he and Angelo were there. Ricky replied with his room number, so the two could find him and Devin. Angelo was the first to get out of the van, a grin on his face as the door was shut.

"Come on, Chris, let's go," Angelo chirped from outside the vehicle.

"Relax, I'm coming," Chris chuckled, turning the engine off, and hopping out of the van, following his friend inside.

The two stepped into the hotel, paying for their room for the few nights they would be staying and getting their room key, then heading up to meet Ricky and Devin. The door was already unlocked, so Chris gently pushed it open.

Of course, the two of them had their eyes glued to their phone screens. The real excitement of the break wouldn't really kick in until the other two got there, and Ricky and Devin had spent their entire ride alone together. Chris could understand why they had just been sitting in silence for a bit. After all, they had probably had more than enough conversations during the ride to make up for the few minutes of silence now.

"Hey guys," Angelo spoke up, causing both of the boys sat in front of them to lift their heads up.

"Ange, Chris, hey," Ricky smiled, standing up. He quickly hugged them both, and Devin followed suit.

"What's with the hugging?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's only been, like, a couple days since we've seen each other."

"Come on, Chris, don't you know by now that Rick is a hugger?" Devin asked laughing a bit.

"Apparently not," Chris chuckled.

"Well, I suppose it's that fact, mixed with the fact that the only company I've had for the past two days has been this asshole," Ricky said with a small smile, pointing at Devin with his thumb.

"Hey," Devin responded, giggling, playfully slapping his friend. "Come on, you know you love me."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Ricky laughed along.

"So, uh, when do you think Ryan and Balz are gonna get here?" Chris inquired, taking a seat at the table where his friends were sitting minutes earlier.

"Probably sometime later today," Ricky shrugged. "They left a bit later than we did, because Ryan was supposed to be Balz's ride, and he overslept."

"Classic Ryan," Chris chuckled.

"Tell me about it," Ricky responded with a laugh. "But, yeah, I would guess sometime a little later. Maybe in an hour or so."


Sure enough, Ricky was right about Ryan and Balz. The two of them arrived at the hotel after a little over an hour of waiting.

"Listen, if you're gonna blame either of us for coming so late, blame this asshole," Balz giggled as he walked into the room, pointing to Ryan.

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