6: Finally, A Chapter That Involves The Title Of The Fic

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"Thanks for leaving us all down in the desert last night, guys," Ryan joked as he stepped into Chris and Angelo's hotel room.

"Well, your cars were still down there, and I didn't wanna have to take you all back today," Chris chuckled. "Hey, at least you got back safe."

"Yeah, yeah," Ryan responded, rolling his eyes. "Hey, I brought some alcohol," he offered.

"Well, you already know I don't want any," Chris replied. "But I'm sure Ange does."

"Actually, I have plans to keep my promise for another day," Angelo smiled.

"Really?" Chris asked.

"Really," Angelo nodded.

"Sucks for you, then," Ryan chuckled. "I didn't bring any drugs. Looks like you're stuck staying sober tonight."

"Whatever," Angelo shrugged. "I think I can survive one night without trying to make out with everybody."

"More for us, then," Ryan said with a small smile.

Their other three friends walked in behind Ryan, Devin and Ricky carrying the drinks that Ryan had mentioned before.

"Now, who's ready to get shitfaced?" Ryan asked with a smirk.


Angelo had promised himself he wouldn't be making out with any of his friends tonight.

Well, he lied.

Because now, he was locking lips with Chris, yet again. And this time, he was sober, so Chris sure as hell wasn't trying to stop him.

The two of them were in their hotel room's bathroom. Angelo was sat on the sink, while Chris stood in front of him. Angelo's legs were wrapped around Chris' torso as the two of them lazily made out.

"You sure we should be doing while our friends are right outside this door?" Chris questioned breathlessly, pulling away for a moment.

"Why not?" Angelo responded.

"Ange, any one of them could walk in at any minute," Chris sighed. "Who knows how they'll react to... This."

"We can just play it off, say I'm high or something," Angelo shrugged.

"But Ryan didn't bring any drugs," Chris pointed out. "And they know you didn't drink tonight."

"You know, why don't you stop worrying so much about it, and go back to kissing me?" Angelo suggested. "We can come up with an excuse if and when we need one."

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Chris replied with a grin.

Chris brought his lips to Angelo's once again, kissing him passionately. He could feel the metaphorical sparks, but he still couldn't be sure whether or not Angelo could as well.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's going on here?" Balz inquired with a smirk as he opened the bathroom door a few minutes later.

"Hey, Balz," Angelo replied with a giggle, trying to act as if he was high.

"Jesus, I came in here to take a piss, and it looks like I got a lot more than I bargained for," Balz chuckled.

"Hey, he started it," Chris said.

"Yeah, okay, sure," Balz replied, rolling his eyes. "Ange, I know you're sober. I didn't drink too much yet, I've still got enough common sense to tell that you're just fine. And I know Chris is, too."

"Okay, yeah, fine," Chris exhaled. "You caught us."

"Damn right," Balz laughed. "So, give me all the details."

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