9: I Barely Even Procrastinated While Writing This I'm So Proud Of Myself

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"Ange, you're back!" Kelly cheered as he and Chris pulled up in her driveway. She had stayed up for quite a while, waiting for him to return.

"Yep, I'm back, baby," Angelo smiled, getting out of the van.

Chris watched as Angelo made his way up to her porch, bringing her in for a tight hug. It was when he leaned in to kiss her, though, that he looked away. He just couldn't believe that Angelo could go right back to kissing her, acting as though his lips hadn't been kissing somebody else just the night before. Especially when he was that someone, and he had no other option than to watch the only person he had ever even wanted to kiss, kiss somebody else. Somebody that meant more to him than Chris did.

When Chris turned back to look at Angelo, he was already on his way back inside with Kelly. Angelo looked back at the van, though, and met Chris' eyes.

"We'll have to get together again sometime later on, yeah?" Angelo suggested.

"Yeah," Chris nodded.

And at that, Angelo headed inside, right behind Kelly. Chris then drove back home, trying to ignore the tears beginning to form in his eyes.

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't fucking believe it. After everything he and Angelo did during that vacation, after how far they went with each other, he just acted as if absolutely nothing happened between them the moment they got back to Pennsylvania. He already knew that their vacation would be nothing more than a mere memory in the back of Angelo's mind by the end of the upcoming week, and that was what hurt the most.

Chris knew this would end up happening. He knew right from the first night in Vegas, when Angelo was trying to kiss him, that his feelings for Angelo would just get stronger on that trip, and he still let Angelo get the best of him. If it wasn't for Angelo wanting to mess around during the trip, nothing would've happened at all. And nothing would've changed.

But now, Chris was stuck with even stronger feelings for his best friend than he had started with, and he knew that there was no way in hell that those feelings would be reciprocated with Kelly around. All he was for Angelo during their trip was an experiment, a good fuck. Nothing more, nothing less. But, to him, Angelo was so, so much more. He would just never realize it.


About three days after everybody got back from their spring break vacation, Chris' friends were starting to notice that there was something off about him. He had been acting different ever since they got back to school, and none of them could quite figure out why.

Well, besides Balz, anyway. After all, he was the one who had caught Angelo and Chris making out in the bathroom that one night at the hotel, and he could only guess that Chris' strange behavior had something to do with that situation.

But, it ended up being Ricky who decided to get some actual answers. He had headed to Chris' house after school on Thursday afternoon, determined to talk to him about what exactly happened to him during spring break.

Just after Chris had walked into his house and shut the door, he heard someone knock on it. He opened the door, of course, guessing that it was one of his friends. He was hoping that it would be Angelo, in all honesty, but, of course, it wasn't. It was Ricky.

"Ricky? What are you doing here?" Chris questioned. "Did you just follow me home?"

"Pretty much, yeah," Ricky shrugged. "Can I come in?"

"Sure?" Chris responded, moving aside a bit so his friend could come in. "So, uh, what brings you here?"

"Well, I just had a few questions to ask you," Ricky replied.

"What kind of questions?" Chris inquired.

"What the hell happened during spring break while we were in Las Vegas?" Ricky asked.

"What do you mean?" Chris questioned. "N-Nothing happened."

"That's bullshit, Cerulli, and you know it," Ricky exhaled. "Whether you realize it or not, you've been acting... Different, Chris. And that started the day we got back from Vegas. I just want to know what's wrong."

"Nothing," Chris said. "Nothing is wrong, and nothing happened to me during the trip."

"Come on, Chris, seriously, you can trust me," Ricky assured him. "Please, just tell me what's going on with you."

"You really wanna know?" Chris asked nervously.

"Of course," Ricky nodded. "I'm not gonna judge you or anything, I just want to know what's wrong."

"Well, I... Look, I have feelings for Angelo. I have since, like, middle school," Chris began. "And, uh, well, while we were in Vegas, he would always try to kiss me while he was drunk or high or whatever. Now, I didn't let him, because of the fact that he was drunk or high at the time, but, that night that Ryan gave him the weed, he, uh, he sucked me off. I was hesitant to let him do it, because, again, he was high. But, he wouldn't be satisfied until he did, so I just let him. And then, in the morning, he kissed me. We were both sober, and we kissed, and... It was amazing. There was something there, I could feel it. But, I don't know if he could."

"Chris, I'm sorry to hear that," Ricky sighed.

"Oh, it gets worse," Chris chuckled bitterly. "We, uh... We had sex. It was a hundred percent sober and everything, and we both enjoyed it. But... I was nothing but an experiment to him. We fucked a couple more times, too, even in the van, but still, nothing. No feelings for me whatsoever. But now I'm stuck with stronger feelings for him than I had before, and I probably have no chances of them being returned. That is why I'm upset, and acting different."

"Chris, I... I don't know what to say," Ricky said softly.

"You don't have to say anything," Chris sighed.

"I'm sorry you had to be put through that," Ricky responded.

"Don't be," Chris groaned. "It's partially my fault, anyway. I let him get the best of me, because I felt something for him. I still do. But, I can't do anything about it, because Angelo would never leave Kelly."

"Well, you don't know that for sure," Ricky pointed out.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure of it," Chris exhaled. "He loves her, a lot."

"Yeah, but I guess he doesn't love her enough not to cheat on her, huh?" Ricky retorted.

Chris didn't know what to say to that, so rather than speaking, he just stayed silent for a moment.

"Well, you got the answer you wanted," Chris sighed after a minute. "Happy?"

"Yeah," Ricky breathed out. "Sure, we'll go with that."

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