13 (Final): I Thought This Fic Would End Up Being Longer But I Was Wrong

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The next morning, Angelo decided to head over to Chris' place. After all, where else would he want to be?

He and Kelly were done and over with now, although, they were still on decent terms. Of course, she was still pissed at him for cheating on her, but who wouldn't be? Other than that, though, their friendship was just fine. Seeing how Angelo had often stayed at her house, she told him he could sleep on the couch, and then come get the things he left over there whenever he could. Kelly knew it would be odd to her parents that she and Angelo had broken up so suddenly, considering they always saw him in their house, but she figured they wouldn't care too much in the long run. Hey, it's one less mouth to feed.

Now, Angelo didn't exactly want to go back home to his parents, seeing as he had a terrible relationship with them, so he was hoping Chris would let him stay with him. After all, Chris' mom absolutely adored him, and obviously, so did Chris, so he figured there wouldn't be a problem. Besides, Chris' older brother was away at college, so it's not like they didn't have space for him, anyway.

Chris didn't live too far away from Kelly, only a few blocks or so, so Angelo figured he would simply walk there. He didn't want to inconvenience Kelly by making her drive him there, anyways. Plus, that would probably just make her mad at him. Well, more mad at him.

Angelo's heart was practically beating out of his chest as he approached Chris' doorstep. He had no idea why, exactly. He just needed to talk to him, and he had done that thousands of times in the past years. All he was doing was talking with his best friend.

What Kelly had said to him the night before, about him loving Chris, hadn't exactly kicked in yet. He still wasn't sure what he felt for Chris, and he wasn't sure when exactly he would be sure.

He knocked on the door, and Chris was quick to answer it.

"Ange, hey," Chris smiled. "Uh, what happened to you last night, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Actually, that's kinda why I came over this morning," Angelo responded. "To talk to you about last night."

"Well, uh, what happened?" Chris inquired, leading Angelo inside, sitting down with him on the couch.

"Kelly heard me talking to you about how I was cheating on her with you," Angelo exhaled. "And she came in while I was still on the phone with you, and she asked me who I was talking to, and I told her the truth. But, at first, she didn't believe me. She came to believe me soon enough, though, and she got pretty mad at me."

"Well, no shit," Chris chuckled, causing Angelo to give him an aggravated look. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"Anyway," Angelo continued, "I told her what happened between us the other night, you know, when you told me that you love me. Long story short, we, uh, we broke up."

"Oh, Ange, I'm sorry," Chris said softly.

"Well, I'm not," Angelo smiled.

"You're not?" Chris questioned.

"Nope," Angelo chuckled.

"And why not?" Chris asked.

"Because now I can do this without feeling guilty at all," Angelo smirked, pulling the taller boy closer to him, giving him a sweet kiss.

Angelo's lips made their way from Chris' lips down to his jawline, then to his neck, then to his collarbone, leaving little kisses in each place. Chris smirked as the smaller boy did this, pulling him into his lap, slowly grinding against the now growing bulge in his pants, making the boy on top of him moan softly.

"I want you so bad right now," Angelo whispered into the taller boy's ear.

"I'll make sure you get me, then," Chris replied with a smirk, his hands making their way to Angelo's belt buckle.

Chris took his time unbuckling the smaller boy's belt and undoing his pants, which caused Angelo to buck his hips lightly, craving more friction. Chris chuckled at Angelo's eagerness, finally pulling his waiting member out of his pants, stroking it gently. Angelo whined as the taller boy stroked his cock at an achingly slowly pace, beginning to get impatient.

The noises Angelo was making caused a smirk to spread across Chris' face. He brought his hand away from Angelo's length, causing him to whine yet again, this time due to the loss of stimulation.

"Why don't we take this upstairs?" Chris suggested.

"As long as we finish this, sounds good to me," Angelo breathed out, his cock still aching for release.

"Oh, please, we always finish what we start," Chris chuckled, picking up the smaller boy, and carrying him up the stairs.

The minute the two of them reached Chris' bedroom, Chris laid Angelo down onto the bed, proceeding to completely remove his pants and boxers. Chris removed his own clothes as well, then stepped back over to Angelo, giving him a passionate kiss.

He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed the lube (yes, still the same lube that he had pretty much taken away from Devin during their vacation), then squirted a bit onto his fingers. Angelo inhaled sharply as the taller boy's fingers pressed against his hole, and he let out a long sigh as they entered him.

Once Chris was done with prepping Angelo, he lubed up his member, and positioned himself at Angelo's entrance. Angelo released a long moan as Chris pushed into him, still breathing heavily while Chris stayed in place, letting him adjust to his cock. Chris began to move slowly after a few moments, causing Angelo to emit a breathy moan.

After another few minutes, Angelo was whining at Chris to go faster, and of course, Chris obliged. He picked up his speed, making Angelo moan loudly, as his cock found its way to the smaller boy's prostate. Chris continued to pound into the boy beneath him, making him moan even louder with each thrust, hitting his prostate each time.

One of Chris' hands made it way to Angelo's waiting member, beginning to stroke it slowly. Angelo was getting closer to his high as each moment passed, his moans and whines becoming one of the only sounds audible in the room. Another few minutes passed before Angelo met his orgasm, gripping the sheets, crying out in immense pleasure as he came onto his own and Chris' chests. Chris was soon to follow, of course, releasing inside of Angelo with a long groan.

Chris grabbed some tissues, cleaning up their little mess, as usual. Angelo was already laying down on his bed, a grin on his face, and Chris went ahead and joined him.

"You know," Angelo spoke up, "Kelly was right all along."

"Right about what?" Chris questioned.

"I... I do love you, Chris," Angelo breathed out, smiling at the taller boy laying next to him. "I was just too blinded by her to see it."

"Well, I love you too, Ange," Chris smiled back, wrapping his arms around Angelo. "God, it feels amazing to add the word 'too' to that sentence."

"Doesn't it though?" Angelo giggled.

The two of them laid together in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company, when all of a sudden, they heard Chris' mother call from downstairs.

"So, Chris, who've you got up there with you?" she snorted.

"Damn it, she's back already?" Chris muttered. "I didn't think she'd be home until later tonight."

"It's just me, Mrs. Cerulli," Angelo answered for him, smirking as he did so.

"Well, it's about time," she responded. "I was waiting for you two to get together! I could hear you from downstairs, you know."

"Mom!" Chris groaned, a blush coating his cheeks.

Angelo simply laughed, pulling Chris closer, kissing him sweetly. He did love Chris, and now he could see it as clear as a spring day. It turned out that he just needed to get past what was blocking his view.

(A/N: So that's it guys, this one's over now. The good news, though, is that now that Summer's here, I'm pretty much going to be doing work on my upcoming stories non-stop. I'm just finishing my planning up this week, and then I'll be writing a bunch of things, and hopefully I'll have another couple of batches of stories to publish for you guys by the fall. I love you all so much, and thank you all for supporting my writing.)

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