¤American Education/Authors note¤

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Omg my Social Studies teacher might go watch Hetalia!! I wore my Hetalia shirt today and when I was in class I forgot to show him my shirt and at the end of school I showed him my shirt I'm like, "This is England and Japan." And he's like,"Cool what show is that?" And I showed him the Hetalia World Series I had on my shirt and he said,"I don't know that one! But I saw a person with a Attack on Titan shirt on. It's a good show. I'm excited for the movie they are making for it!!" And my friend was like, "You say AoT?" She didn't even know they were making a movie plus it's a live action movie of AoT. And I said, "But you need to watch Hetalia is Social Studies related, you know, with countries and History and stuff!" And he said, "Oh okay! I'll remember to keep that in mind!" And me and my friend left the room and I was like, yessss. I was so happy that my Social Studies might watch one of my favorite fandoms!! I HOPE HE DOES!!!

American Education||
Idea from: RPGCATZ

America: Our education needs to improve!

American education: we need another standardized test and more homework!

Me: NoooooOOOOOO!!!!

Finland: Actually, we became one of the worlds' best education systems by getting rid of homework and standardized tests-


Finland: Let me finish!! Also, we pay our teachers better than you.

China: Same.

Belgium: Same~

American education: Better make it two more standardized tests!


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