•Aɱɛʀicɑ'ร Nɛw Yɛɑʀร Rɛsѳʆutiѳɳ•

53 13 11

America: Hey, Canada! What did you put down for new years resolutions?

Canada: Oh nothing much! Just little things, like read more, and go out on more walks with Kuma....What about you?

America: *ties Donald Trump to a firework and aims it at the sky* hm? What was that Canada? I was just tying Donald Trump to one of my fireworks.

Canada: ....uh never mind!

America: okay dude! *lights match* NOW...

America: *lights firework* YA HOOO!!! LOOK AT HIM GO!!!

Me: *sits back and eats popcorn* Its so beautiful...

America: HAHAHAHAH!!!

Donald Trump: [screaming bloody murder]

Canada: That wasn't very nice!

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