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Me: omg- (thank goodness I got out of that closet...) I can't stop laughing at this shirt I got in the mail today!!

Friend: Why?

Me: Just look at them!!

Me: Italy's just like, "Germany! I love you!!"

Me: And Germany's like,"Get zhe hell of me Italia!!

"Japan: All you gay you know that?

China: Have this tasty rice ball, aru?

America: Dude! Pose for the picture!! HERO!!

England: eww...I got Frog cooties-

Russia: What are we talking about, da?

France: onhonhonhon~"

Me: Like oh my god!!

Friend: ....

Friend: Woooow Kay!

Friend: Just...wow. *leaves*

¤HETALIA CRACK #3¤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ