Chapter 2: Second Chance At First Line

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(A/N: Okay guys so here's the next chapter. I like half proof read it because I really wanted to get this up but I have to go somewhere and if I didn't put it up now it wouldn't go up till after midnight probably. So sorry if there's anything wrong in it, I spell checked it so that should be good and I've reread the first half like 10 times while writing it. It's just the last half I'm worried about. There were scenes at the end where I wasn't sure what to write which is why they are a bit short. But hope you like it.)

Derek's POV

I could hear people coming closer. The sound of their footsteps against the grass, the joking murmur of their voices floating together, and the shrill sound of someone blowing on a whistle. I winced as I turned off my werewolf hearing.

Looking up I glared across the field at Coach Finstock. I wondered how someone as belligerent as him could still have a job coaching and teaching kids but then remembered that he did have a way of motivating people to win.

He had them start with a one on one drill going up against that spoiled jock, Jackson Whittmore. I watched as he nailed teammate after teammate, never letting anyone get by him. He had to be on something, although there was no denying that the kid had real talent.

My eyes zeroed in on Scott McCall, who was next in line, just as the coach called out to him. "McCall?" he called. "what are you waiting for?" Scott snapped back to attention as Finstock waved his arms gesturing him on. "Lets go." He blew the whistle and Scott began advancing towards Jackson at a half-assed pace. Jackson had absolutely no problem taking him down. Hell, I'm sure that Scott's friend Stiles would have had no problem knocking him down.

Finstock wasted no time before tearing into him. "Hey McCall." He began walking over to him. "Hey McCall," he chuckled. Scott was still lying on his back on the ground. Jackson said to Scott while backing away, "You sure you still want to be first line, McCall?"

Scott got up from the ground holding his wrist. Finstock had finally reached him. "What? My grandmother can move faster than that." I nodded to myself, he had a point there. "And she's dead," Finstock added. I raised my eyebrows. He leaned closer to Scott. "You think you could move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?" he asked.

"Yes, Coach," Scott grumbled, agitated. "I can't hear you," Finstock replied, prodding him. "Yes, Coach," Scott said louder. I could just make out what looked like the faint yellow glow of his eyes. My eyes narrowed. He needed to get his werewolf side under control before he exposed himself. Finstock pressed right up against Scott's helmet. "Then do it again."

They both headed back toward the middle of the field. Finstock continued to add fuel to Scott's already budding rage. "McCall's going to do it again! McCall's going to do it again!"

Scott got back into position and this time when the whistle blew he wasted no time before charging at Jackson. He plowed into Jackson knocking him down. As Jackson hit the ground he grasped his shoulder rocking back and forth in pain. Scott dropped his stick and placed his head in his hands then fell to his knees, his werewolf side battling to take over.

As the coach and the rest of the team surrounded Jackson, Stiles ran over to Scott. I tilted my head focusing on them. "Scott?" Stiles said, leaning over and grabbing at his shoulders. "I can't control it, Stiles," Scott manages to get out. "It's happening." Stiles eyes widen. "What? Right here? Now?" He looks around quickly, then grabs at Scott. "Alright, come on, get up." Stiles leads Scott off the field while the team is preoccupied with Jackson. They were lucky no one noticed.

I clenched my hands inside the pockets of my jacket.

"Boo!" said a voice behind me. I turned around ready to attack just to see it was Ashley. She held her hands up in the universal sign for 'don't hurt me.' "Someone sure is jumpy. You are surprisingly easy to sneak up on." She smiled devilishly at him.

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