Chapter 3: Pack Mentality

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Tada! I finally finished it! Much easier writing it today than it was yesterday (or 2 days ago seeming it is now after midnight). Anyways hope you enjoy!

Ashley’s POV

“This place is great,” Derek commented as we walked across the floor. “Very roomy.”

He was helping me to find a place to live. This was our third place today and it was the best out of all of them. To be honest I was kind of in love with this place. But I wasn’t going to admit it to him seeming he was the one who found it. “I don’t know,” I mumbled glancing around, falling even more in love with the high ceilings, large frosted windows, and open room concept. “It’s a little much.”

“That’s cause it’s empty,” he pointed out. “Just imagine it with your things here.” I looked at him. The only things I’d brought from Chicago was everything I could fit in my duffel bag. I’d traveled light since leaving Beacon Hills the first time. You never knew when you might need to up and leave. “All your family’s stuff is still in that warehouse, isn’t it?”

My family’s stuff.

After the fire Laura and Derek moved into my house for the rest of the school year. Laura insisted on both of us graduating no matter what. After that we all took off. I had movers pack everything up and place it in storage, then I sold the house. I couldn’t continue living there without my family. All those memories of my mom and dad and my brothers.

Derek brushed his hand against my arm. I looked up finding his face close to me. His eyes were clouded with sorrow. “Sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean...” I blinked and looked away backing up from him. I shook my head and then shot him a smile over my shoulder. “It’s fine. I mean, hey, at least I still have my family’s stuff.” Derek grunted and nodded his head. None of this was easy for us and after all these years we still didn’t know how to act about it.

The realtor came in from the other room. “So, have you come to a decision?” She smiled at the two of them.

I looked around one more time, leaning against the counter. I tapped my fingers for a moment then said, “I’ll take it.”

“Excellent!” She clapped her hands together. “I’ll just get the paperwork drawn up.” She scurried off.

Derek walked up behind me leaning down to whisper in my ear. “Welcome to your new home.” I shivered as he moved away. It was totally from the open window and not from the lack of his warmth leaving my back.

Afterwards we headed back to his family’s house. We had to be extra careful now that the house was on the polices radar. It was county property and we weren’t supposed to be here. Derek went to gather a few things. He was in the midst of finding a new place to crash but wouldn’t tell me anything which was typical of him. I even so graciously offer to let him stay with me for awhile, even though I knew he’d eat all the food and hog all the hot water, but he’d turned me down saying he could take care of himself.

I wandered upstairs and soon enough found myself standing in what was once Laura’s room. I used to spend hours up here when we were younger. I closed my eyes picturing the midnight blue walls, the lamp by her bed casting a golden glow across the room, the clothes streamed across the floor, and Laura sitting beside the window staring up at the night sky.

I sighed and opened my eyes. Now the room was cast in gray with holes in the floor. As I was making my way over to the window I heard a slight creak under my foot and felt a gentle shift. I stopped. Kneeling down I ran my hand along the floorboards until I felt the rise of a board. I yanked up on it and saw inside the chard remains of some papers. I reached in and pulled them out. 

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