Chapter 11: Formality

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm back from the dead (little humor cause I've been gone for like 8 million years). I had a lot of feels writing this, I have a lot of feels just for Teen Wolf in general. Hope you guys enjoy it cause I certainly did.

Ashley’s POV

“So let me get this straight...You possibly have feelings for your childhood enemy, at the very least you’re having super lusty, sexual thoughts about him, which you’re trying to deny. And on top of all of that your ex-boyfriend, who was in a coma for like the past six years, is walking around being evil, killing people and you still think you might be attracted to him?” There was a pause before Kenna spoke again, “And I thought my life was complicated.”

“I thought you weren’t going to judge me?” I asked her, pouting at her through the computer screen. I shifted deeper into my chair pulling my blanket tighter around me. I was sitting in my living room by the fireplace having a long-distance video chat with her.

Laughing she said, “I’m not judging. I’m just finding your love life to be very amusing. Just let me enjoy your emotional turmoil for a moment, my life’s so boring at the moment I could use your drama.”

“You’re young. Your time will come. And the last time we talked your life didn’t sound so boring from the scuffling and howls of pain you tried to brush off.” I stared at the bare bones background behind her. “Where are you anyway? That doesn’t look like your place.”

She gave me a sultry look. “If I told you, then I’d have to kill you.” I rolled my eyes at her attempt at humor, “That was so funny I forgot to laugh.” In response she stuck out her tongue. “If you must know, little miss nosey, I’m currently on the move, which is why it looks so luxurious. Totally 5 star hotel material right here.” That did get a laugh out of me. “See! I can be funny.” Finally heading back into serious territory she asked, “So, what are you going to do about Derek and Peter?”

I rubbed my hands across my eyes. “I have no idea,” I said tiredly. “It was hard enough just dealing with what was going on with Derek. But of course the universe would find it hilarious to just throw Peter into the mix.”

“And not only that, lets just add the fact that he’s the Alpha going around killing people.”

“Not helping,” I told her.

“Well, it’s true. You’re the one who said it first, not me.” Kenna gathered her brown hair up and put it up in a quick bun getting it out of the way. “Lets look at it this way.” She held out one hand, “Sexily delicious grumpy Derek or emotionally unstable psycho killer Peter?” She pretended to weigh them in her hands. “Oh, would you look at that? Looks like the Derek scale is winning.”

“You didn’t know Peter before,” I argued. “He wasn’t like this. He was funny and sweet and charming...”

“Was,” Kenna repeated the word. “As in past tense. Ash, you don’t know him anymore as you pointed out when telling me this whole saga. He may have been those things but the last time you saw him...the last time you saw him awake and functional before last night, was six years ago. Things change. People change. Look at Derek, you guys could barely stand to be in the same room as each other and now you’re off having sex.”

“That was one time!” I exclaimed, my eyes widening at her freely mentioning it without the slightest bit of awkwardness for someone who’d never been in that kind of relationship before.

She continued to talk as if I hadn’t said anything, “And the biggest changes are in yourself. You dealt with the death of your family and close friends instead of hiding it away. You grieved and were able to move on, you didn’t let it hinder you. You moved halfway across the country by yourself and started over. And you were doing really good in Chicago. You were like my role model, hell, you still are.”

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