Chapter 4: Magic Bullet

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Derek’s POV

A gunshot ripped through the night followed by a howl of pain. I looked around focusing my hearing trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. I followed my senses down an alley and then came to a stop taking in my surroundings. Spotting a small pool of fresh blood on the ground I bent down dipping my fingers into it and rubbed it between my fingers. The Alpha had to be close. Looking around I spotted glowing red eyes on top of a building. Knowing I’d seen him the Alpha turned and scaled the wall disappearing over the building beside the one he was just on. I wasted no time in taking off after it. I ran, vaulting over obstacles in my way, climbing, making my way to the rooftop. I stopped, looking for him. He was over on the building across from me. He took off. I ran and started to leap over to the next building when I heard a gun shot and then felt a tearing pain.

I grunted as I plummeted toward the roof below me. I slammed into it, tumbling off the side, crashing onto my back on the pavement. I gasped in pain both from the bullet wound and my landing. I coughed, leaning forward and looking around. I tried to sit up but the pain exploded. I gasped and scooted backwards leaning on one side. 

Finally bracing myself against a wall I held my wounded arm out and looked at the spot where the bullet had pierced me just below my elbow. There was a blue glow coming from it. I pushed up my shirt sleeve revealing a trail of blood smothered against my arm. Blue smoke was coming from the wound. It had to be some kind of herb poisonous to werewolves. Probably some kind of wolfsbane.

What was I going to do?

I heard someone approaching and looked up just as Ashley came running over to me. “Oh my god,” she said reaching out her hand and hovering it over my wound. “Did you see where the Alpha went?” I asked wincing. She shook her head. “I saw you take off after him but by the time I got over here he was gone.” I touched the gaping wound and was instantly overcome with pain. I dropped my head down gritting my teeth. “Come on,” she said. She grabbed the elbow of my good arm her other arm wrapping around my waist. “We have to get you out of here.” She pulled me up and I leaned my weight on her as we hurried to my car. Once inside Ashley started the car and took off.

She kept glancing over at me as she drove. “Derek, that really doesn’t look good. What are you going to do?”

I wiped the sweat off my brow. “I need to know what was in that bullet.” I took a deep breathe before saying the words I really didn’t want to say. “We need Scott’s help. He’s the only one who can get into the Argent’s house without being suspicious.”


We were going to wait till after the school day was over before we tracked down Scott partly in the hopes that I’d heal miraculously so I wouldn’t have to ask him for a favor. By midday though things weren’t looking so good. Ashely had insisted that I stay in the car but bullet wound or no bullet wound I wasn’t going to let her tell me what to do. 

We were inside Beacon Hills High looking for Scott. I slowly moved through the crowed hallways keeping my head down trying to blend in while Ashley stayed close behind me. Some guy bumped into me and I winced in pain. I glanced up seeing if anyone had noticed. Luckily they were all too busy with their little teenage lives. I saw Ashley move to reach for me but I held out my hand holding her off. I didn’t want to cause any unnecessary attention and having her helping me through the halls wouldn’t help.

As the hallway cleared out I stopped. I took a moment and then looked up seeing that Jackson kid standing at his locker. He was on the lacrosse team with Scott so I went over hoping he knew where Scott was. Coming up beside him I said, “Where’s Scott McCall?” He looked at me with surprise. Seeing Ashley beside me he took a moment to run his eyes over her lingering longer than I liked. Finally his eyes came back to me giving me a calculated look and shutting his locker. “Why should I tell you?” he asked.

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