Chapter 13: Familiar Faces

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Ashley’s POV

His fingers grasped my hips causing me to bury my head into his neck and dig my nails into his back. There was no chance he was going to walk away from this without battle wounds, especially if he kept doing what he was doing. Air was coming fast in my chest as it raised and fell rapidly. His left hand came up burying itself into my hair, pushing it aside so his lips could get at my neck. His stubble grazing ever so lightly.

I closed my eyes becoming completely lost in this moment. My fingers dug into his hair as I arched my back. Derek’s lips broke away from my neck long enough to find their way to my mouth. Clinging to each other feverishly we rolled around in between the sheets.

When it was over Derek fell back on the bed beside me, both of us gasping for air. As always there was an awkward pause. We still weren’t completely comfortable with this arrangement.

I mean don’t get me wrong, the sex was mind-blowingly amazing, but it was always the post sex area that got a little uncomfortable.

I brought my hand out from under the sheet holding it out between us. “A pleasure doing business with you.” Derek reached over and took it shaking it. When he let go I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. A pleasure doing business with you? What the hell was that? I looked around my room, anything to avoid looking at the naked man covered with a sheet beside me.

Not being able to take the awkward silence anymore I sat up making sure the bed sheet was covering the necessary parts. Not that it mattered, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen it all before…numerous times. Still it was the principal of the matter. Turning my back toward him I reached down and grabbed my bra and underwear off the floor, shimmying into them.

Once I felt less revealing I turned back towards the bed to see Derek looking quite relaxed. It was almost like he was meant to be there…laying there…in my bed. He really did seem to like my bed, not that I could blame him, after all he lived in a train station.

“I’m gonna go take a shower,” I said, hitching my thumb up in the direction behind me where my bathroom was located. He made some kind of grunt in reply and started to get up. “You can stay…” I trailed off as his eyes met mine. “If you want. I mean, it doesn’t bother me. Relax, take a nap.” I sidestepped over to my closet, watching as he settle back into the pillows making himself comfortable.

“Thanks,” he said sounding like he really meant it.

I turned around grabbing some clothes. “It’s really no big deal,” I muttered. “It’s not like you have to run off every time. And I’m not asking you to cuddle.” I shot him a look over my shoulder which he returned with a smirk. I let out a laugh closing my closet doors. On my way over to the bathroom I couldn’t resist saying, “Besides, we both know how much I wear you out.” I ducked into the bathroom closing the door just in time to not be pelted by a pillow.


When I came back out of the bathroom after my shower Derek was gone. It was almost like he’d never been there.

I needed to get out of the house. I didn’t know what I was going to do but I just needed to be outside. Walking by the kitchen I made a mental note that I should go get some groceries before I starve. Can’t believe I was thinking this but there’s only so much take-out you can have.

Shrugging my shoulders into my jacket I walked down the hallway towards the door. I backtracked to the mirror hanging on the wall fixing my hair real quick, you never knew who you might run into. I shot myself a satisfied smile turning back towards the entrance. Flinging the door open I went to take a step out when instead I was shocked into stillness.

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