Chapter 7: Night School

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Ashley’s POV

Stiles was holding on to my arm dragging me behind him as Scott was pushing me from behind. I craned my neck around frantically trying to see what had happened to Derek but instead found the Alpha’s red eyes locked on me. They drew my eyes to them and I found myself unable to look away and the more I stared the more I felt like I was missing something. There was that saying how the eyes are the windows to the soul and something inside of me felt like if I just stared hard enough maybe I could figure this all out. Just as I thought I felt the tinglings of recognition stirring inside of me Scott stepped into my line of sight and the connection was lost. I turned around right as we hit a flight of stairs and ran up them. Once we reached the doors, Stiles flung them opening pulling me inside. Stiles and Scott pulled the doors closed behind them.

“Lock it, lock it,” Scott told Stiles, holding on to the door. Stiles doing the same looks over at him, “Do I look like I have a key?” I looked around at the dark hallway behind us. “Grab something,” Scott says panicked. I turned back towards them. “What?” Stiles asks looking around at nothing. “Anything!” Scott shouts. I waved my hands around. “There is nothing to grab. We’re standing in an empty hallway!” I exclaimed. Stiles paused as a thought came to him. He sprung up, looking through the window in the door outside, glancing around. Scott stood up too looking out the window through his door wondering what Stiles was doing. Curious I stepped closer. Spotting the bolt cutters Scott said, “No.” Stiles pushed the flashlight into Scott’s hands, “Yes.”

“Stiles, no,” Scott said as Stiles pushed the door open enough for him to get through. “Stiles don’t.” Stiles closes the door quietly and then, leaning against the doors, looks around for the Alpha. Not seeing him he heads down the stairs while Scott and I watch him through the window. “You know, for someone so completely human he sure makes up for that in bravery,” I commented. Scott glanced over at me. “Not that there’s anything wrong with being human.”

We both turned our attention back to Stiles as he quickly descended the first set of stairs. The bolt cutters were right in front of him now. My eyes shifted to farther behind him. The Alpha appeared from behind Stiles’ Jeep. “Stiles!” Scott calls to him through the door, pounding on it. Stiles looks up at him. “Stiles, Stiles!” Stiles looks back in front of him and sees the Alpha.

I shoved the door open and ran down the stairs as the Alpha starts running towards him. As Stiles grabs the bolt cutters I grab him and together we frantically run back to the school. Yanking the door open we tumble inside pulling the door closed and shoving the bolt cutters down, making it so you can’t open the doors from the outside.

Cautiously we all look out the windows again but see nothing.

“Where is it?” Scott asked. Stiles reached over and took the flashlight back from him. “Where’d it go?” Stiles flicks on the flashlight and points it around trying to spot him. “He’s gone,” I whispered. “Probably trying to figure out a better way to trap us.” Slowly we start backing away from the door.

Scott turned to Stiles. “That won’t hold will it?” Stiles looked over at him. “Probably not,” he responds. They look around at the dark school hallways. A howl echos through the hallways.

Stiles started running down the hall, Scott motioning me to follow. Going into a classroom Scott gets on one side of the teachers desk while Stiles gets on the other. That’s the big plan? We’re going to barricade the door? Scott starts to push but Stiles motions him to stop. “Stop, stop. The door’s not going to keep it out,” he says pointing at the door. “I know,” Scott replies. “So what are we even doing?” I asked exasperated. Scott shook his head, “I don’t know, okay? It’s not everyday I get chased around and trapped inside my high school by some psychotic Alpha.”

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