Chapter 5: The Tell

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Okay guys took me a hundred years to finish it (not really obviously). I just really didn't feel like typing out the dialogue one day and then I sort of forgot about it. :P And then there was lots of fangirling this week because the Vampire Acadmey trailer was finally realeased and so yeah. But here it is. I hope you enjoy it. P.S. The beginning's my favorite part.

Ashley’s POV

Juggling the last two boxes I used my hip to shut the car door. I’d decided to go get some of my family’s things out of storage now that my house was finally ready to move into. I’d only been able to get a few boxes and wasn’t exactly sure what was in them. I shifted them in my arms trying to get a better grip thinking, and not for the first time today, how I wished Derek was here to help me.

I shook my head at the thought. I may want him here but at the same time I’m really glad he’s not here. Things had been kind of...awkward lately. Ever since I stupidly kissed him. I mean, what the hell was I thinking? I don’t even know. I could blame it on the fact that he was dying and I was worried but that wasn’t the first time he had had his life in danger but this was the first time I’d reacted in a way that was completely unlike me. I would never willingly kiss least I wouldn’t have.

I used my foot to shut my front door then went into the living room and sat my boxes down. I wiped my hands staring up at the ceiling. “Laura,” I pleaded. “Please forgive me for that error and please, if you feel the need, knock some sense into me. I wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, I’d welcome it gladly.” I waited for a moment hoping for some kind of divine intervention.

What Laura would actually say about this subject I had no idea. She always used to laugh about our animosity towards each other saying how it was nothing but us rebelling against this ridiculous notion our parents had about our destiny.

Apparently there was some prophecy or something equally absurd about two werewolves from the same pack born under the same moon fated to end up together. Apart they’d have the strength of a normal Beta but when they finally come together under truthful circumstances they’d be stronger than an Alpha. And they were supposed to bring about something. I tried to remember but couldn’t. Oh well. It was just some stupid story. And even if there was any truth to it I bet there’s others who were born under the same moon. Doesn’t mean that it’s us.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head and focused at the task at hand. Sitting on the floor I ripped open the box closest to me. Inside were some books and files. I sorted through the books putting the ones that sounded useful into a pile and put the rest back in the box with the files. I’d go through them some other time. Knowing my parents there were probably hidden messages inside. I pushed that box off to the side and grabbed the next one.

About an hour and a half had gone by when I finally reached the last box. Opening it I realized it was full of my older brothers things. Trophies, a baseball, a football, some school awards. At the bottom of the box was his baseball jacket. I took it out and held it up to my nose. It still smelled like him as if he was just wearing it. I ran my hand over the white stitching on the left side where it spelled out his name. Brett Reynolds.

There was a knock at the door. I set the jacket down on the coffee table and got up wondering who was at the door. I was reaching for the doorknob when I halted. Derek. Retracting my hand I took a step backwards. There was another rapt on the door and then I heard Derek sigh. “Come on Ashley, I know you’re in there.” I stared at the door. “Your car’s out front,” Derek continued. “And I can hear your heartbeat on the other side of the door.” Damnit. “Look you can’t avoid me forever.”

I rolled my eyes coming over and opening the door. Putting on a tone of nonchalance I greeted him, “Hey Derek. Who’s avoiding you?” He stared at me unblinking as I leaned against the door. “Who, me?” I asked acting surprised. “I haven’t been avoiding you. I’ve just been really busy getting settled in, you know.” He walked in brushing past me. I shut the door following him into my living room.

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