Chapter 12: Code Breaker

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(A/N: This chapter alternates between both Ashley and Derek's POV's and there is an epilogue at the end that takes place two weeks after the end of the episode. Enjoy!)

Ashley’s POV

I drove for a while trying to put as much distance between Peter and I as I could before it became too much. Pulling over on the side of the road I stopped the car. Leaning forward I rested my head on the steering wheel. “Get it together. Get it together.” I groaned sitting back up and punching the steering wheel, hitting the horn.

What is it about these Hale men that get me all off balance? I can’t seem to think straight around them. One moment I hate them, the next moment I love them…I mean, have feelings, I mean…I don’t even know what I mean.

I can’t deal with this right now. Emotions aside I need to find Derek. I haven’t heard from him in…I grab my phone and look at the time. Almost 24 hours! What the hell could he possibly be doing that he couldn’t be bothered to pick up a phone?

I covered my face with my hands breathing deeply, feeling the cold press of my phone. Derek wouldn’t be avoiding me with everything that’s been going on. Something was wrong and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it sooner.

I needed to find Derek and I may need Scott to do it.

Just as I was about to start up my car my ears picked up someone howling. It was Scott. Sighing in relief my hand once again gripped the key getting ready to turn it in the ignition when there was another howl in response. Derek.

Great. Now everyone will know where Derek is, including Peter. I just had to make sure I got there first.

Derek’s POV

A howl ripped through the night. Scott.

I slowly raised my head returning his call with one of my own, alerting him to my location. Now there was nothing to do but wait.


Scott stumbled around the corner coming into view, he pressed up against the wall. “Derek,” he whispered, peering into the darkness. I rattled my chains, “Over here.”

He walked around the tables that were between him and me, eyeing the weapons laying on the table tops. When he saw me chained up to the grate he stopped and stared at me. “What were they doing to you?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes at him and shook my chains. “What do you think they were doing to me? Now quit gawking and get me down.”

“Right.” He came over and reached up to my right wrist.

“Could you hurry up,” I growl at him.

“I’m trying.”

“Try faster.” Suddenly the sounds of someone approaching trickled through the tunnels. Scott froze, staring at me. I was about to say something threatening when he quickly went back to work. He busted the cuff off me and then started to go for the other. “There’s no time,” I said. “You’ve done enough. Go find somewhere to hide so he doesn’t know you’re here.”

He nodded and then quietly ran back toward where he came from.

I could hear footsteps approaching faster in the tunnel. A flick of a switch and the flood light shone on me. Looking up I glared into it trying to see the person behind it finally able to make out a man in a leather jacket. “Ready to have some more fun?” he asks rhetorically. He looks  down at his knuckles as he walks on over, “To be honest, my knuckles are kind of hurting.”

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