Chapter 9: Wolf's Bane

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A/N: Okay guys, just never believe me when I say I'm going to do something cause I most likely am not going to do it when I say I do...cause I'm a failure...just, don't do it, kay?

Ashley’s POV

After driving around aimlessly for a few hours incase Derek decided to try to track me down I headed home. Shutting the door and flicking on the lights I leaned against the door and slowly slid down to the floor. My head landed on my crossed arms on my knees.

“What the hell did I just do?” I said to myself. The images flashed before my closed eyelids and I quickly opened them, not ready to relive that particular moment. It was already ingrained in my brain as it was.

Digging through my bag I found my phone. I had three missed calls from Derek. One shortly after I’d left and two just recently. I couldn’t tell if that was a good sign or a bad sign. Ignoring them I searched through my contacts before I found the one I wanted.

I quickly sent a text.

[I just did something stupid.]

No less than a few seconds later my phone started ringing. Bringing the phone up to my ear I could hear the person already speaking. “Are you okay? What happened? Do you need me? I can be at the airport in 45 minutes.”

A laugh escaped my lips at hearing the concern in her voice. “It’s okay, stay where you are. It’s nothing like that.”

“Well, then what is it like? Come on. You can’t leave me in suspense.”

So I rehashed all the details. Well, actually, I glazed over some of them, keeping the conversation PG-13 seeming I was talking to a minor. “I’m fifteen, soon to be sixteen, thank you very much,” she reminded me. “I think I could handle it.” There was a slight pause. “Although thinking about it, I probably don’t want to hear the detail cause, gross.” I could almost picture her shuddering. “But I can’t believe this! You and your arch enemy. The guy you said you couldn’t stand, who was always super annoying, your best friends brother. You guys slept together.”

I groaned as I stood up. “Yes, I know.” I headed towards the kitchen as my stomach started to growl. All this worrying and avoiding had made me forget that I hadn’t eaten in hours. I opened the fridge and peered inside. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Or what he was thinking. This should have never happened.” I shut the door after finding nothing appetizing and went to the freezer.

Ah! Perfect! Ice cream. The food of those who don’t want to deal with life at the moment.

As I was scooping some into a bowl, she said, “Well you hadn’t seen him in years. I know you said you guys didn’t get along but maybe that’s changed over time.” I thought about it. We had been more civil towards each other than I could ever remember being. I’d almost say we were like friends. “And, ya know, I did catch that little bit about his amazing physique and the way he was all shining, sweaty, and splendid,” she teased.

I rolled my eyes. “Please stop.”

“Hey I’m just repeating what you said.” Her voice took on a serious tone. “But really...Could there be a chance, even the slightest chance, that you like him?” I opened my mouth to deny it but found that I couldn’t get any words out. Pouting, I grabbed my spoon and put some ice cream in my mouth. She took my silence as a yes. “Look, I know right now you think it was a terrible mistake but maybe it wasn’t. Maybe you always just projected that prophecy thing as a load of crap and never gave it a chance to prove itself to be true. It’s like you’ve been rebelling from it from the start. You should really think about it. And it wasn’t just on your part so he has to have some kind of feelings for you too. You’re going to have to face him and the sooner the better. Didn’t you tell me you guys were working on something? Something that had to do with what happened to Laura and some Alpha running around town turning teenage boys?”

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