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Shimizu city was large, busy and beautiful. Along its streets men and women walked past each other hardly even noting the others existence. Even the children playing at the parks never strayed from their group of friends. Sitting beneath one of the trees, a boy with messy blond hair and soft brown eyes watched as the other children ran about, playing various games while the older ones showed off too girls walking past. 'Why do they bother?' he thought, sighing. 'With that approach they'll be lucky to gain anyone's affection.'

At ten years of age, Izumo Kusanagi was very different from other children. Rather than running around he preferred to sit beneath a tree and observe those around him. He could easily put on an act to please others, it was simple. Izumo closed his eyes while he pondered what he would do later, maybe read a book? Just then Izumo heard the sound of the clock tower ringing. 'Four o'clock... Guess I better start heading home...'

- - -

Eight year old Mikoto Souh stood scratching his bright red hair unsure of what to do with the little girl crying in front of him. She had apparently lost her parents but beyond that Mikoto couldn't understand anything else through the tears and wailing she was currently doing. Mikoto squated down in front of the girl a placed one of his hands on her head. Suddenly, the girls hysterics stopped and she looked up at him, her bright green eyes meeting his vibrant golden ones. She looked a similar age to himself, maybe only a year younger? Far too old to be crying in such a manner in Mikotos opinion. 'Now what?' he thought looking at the girl. Suddenly a woman came running up too the two of them "Aimi!" she cried, embracing the girl as Mikoto stepped out of the way. "Where have you been! I was looking for you everywhere!" as the woman continued to smother the child, Mikoto walked away into the bustling streets. As he walked he could hear the sound of the clock tower chiming. 'Four o'clock huh' he thought to himself. 'maybe I'll go home and sleep...'

- - -

A small boy with light brown hair and a large smile on his face ran from flower patch to flower patch. At the age of only six, little Tatara Totsuka showed interest in many things. His latest was flowers, or more specifically, grabbing a large amount of random flowers and then giving the to complete strangers much to the stress of his adopted mother who had to chase the little boy around and apologise to those he surprised with his gifts. The woman sighed as she watched the child, thinking back to when her husband and her had met him all those years ago. The couple had fallen in love with the child that had already suffered so much at such a young age. 'How could such a sweet natured child be abandoned like that...' she thought. Things we perfect at the start, they were a very happy family. But the days had become harder since her husband got involved with gambling. She was so sick of him, that somedays she wanted to just leave and teach him a lesson. 'But how could I leave my Tatara?' the woman sighed once more. The sound of the clock tower striking four pulled her out of her thoughts, and looking up she saw Tatara running up to her, a smile lighting up his face. "Tada! For you Mummy!" Tatara said, his smile somehow growing even larger.

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himizu city is a city of many different people, each with their own unique story. This story follows a group of people know as Kings, clansman and strains.

Kings - are those that the Dresden Slate bestows its power upon. This person can be a man, woman, or even non-human. All Kings are capable of developing the Sword of Damocles, and can add Clansmen to their Clan if they choose to. They're said to "embody the forces of the natural world", and these abilities manifest as their Aura.

Clansmen - are those that are given power by a king, and brought into their clan. A clansman's powers reflect their kings.

Strains - are those who gained power without receiving it from a King. They can be man, woman, or even non-human with power levels ranging from very low to power levels that could rival a king.

Author Note
Hello! So... This is my first fanfiction so comments and suggestions are more than welcome! Also, I'm planning on setting up my character with one of the guys so tell me what you guys want, who knows I might do a vote latter :-)
-Hinode out, Peace!

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